Once Ohm is behind him, he leans forward a bit, sliding his other hand onto his shoulder before sliding both of his hands down his chest and onto his stomach. He then drags his nail up Lucas' body before bringing them back up to his shoulders.

Ohm then walks to the side of the chair and turns his back on him. He then sits in between Lucas' leg and throws his body back, laying across his lap. As Ohm then starts to lift his upper body up, making him sit up, he runs his hands through his hair, pushing it away from his face. When he's completely up, he then gets off of Lucas again, spinning around and moving into front of him again. He then places his hands on Lucas' knees and as he sways his hips from side to side, bringing his body lower to the ground as he moves, he keeps his eyes locked with Lucas and he slowly spreads Lucas legs.

He then stands up and looks over to me. "Okay, now it's your turn."

"Wait, what," Lucas yells out, his face somewhat red. "That's it? But you didn't even give me a full on lap dance! You more or less used me as a prop and danced around me!"

"Hey, I am not going to give you a full on dance until he knows how to at least start it off! That's what that was. The start for dance. Besides that, a lap dance is used for teasing." He then leans over and smirks at Smitty. "And were you teased?"

"Fuck you, ya bitch."

"I'll take that as a yes." He then turns back to me and says, "Now, come on. I want you to try to recreate what I had just done before we move on."

I nod and jump off the couch, walking up to Smitty. I turn away from him and take a deep breath, trying to relax.

"I'm already going to stop you right now," Ohm says, walking in front of me, his back pressed against the pole in the middle of the room. "You need to relax a lot more than that. The person you're giving the dance to is going to like it a lot more if you seem to enjoy it just as much as he is. So, you can't seem tensed or nervous. Take a couple more deep breaths and try to calm down a bit more. Then start doing what I had done."

I nod again and shut my eyes, taking in a couple more deep breaths. As I do so, I start imagining that I'm in the park my parents always took me to when I was a little kid. Whenever I want to relax, I always think about this place. The place where my family went to every weekend. The place where we felt like nothing could break us.

Once I feel like my mind is cleared up, I start to picture the club in my mind. No one is around me, and I can hear the music more clearly. It's much louder than it was just seconds ago, and in my uniform, I feel more confident and more comfortable in my own skin. The only people around me are my friends, and they all make me feel like I truly belong here. They make me feel like I have a home. They make me feel like I have a family again.

With this in my mind, when I open my eyes just a little bit, and I can see myself still at the club. I then start to run my hands through my hair and squat down until I feel a leg just barely hit my ass. The second I feel it, I swing my hip to the side and slowly stand up. I do this three more times, swinging my hips from side to side before I turn around.

The second I lock eyes with Lucas, I instantly feel my body tense up again. "Stop," Ohm then says, putting a hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong, Evan?"

I take a deep breath and walk back to the couch. "I don't know. It just feels weird dancing on someone I consider a friend."

"What," Smitty quickly asks. "How is it weird? If anything, this should be easier than dancing on some random fifty year old with a har-"

"Thank you, Smitty," Ohm quickly interrupts.

"I don't know," I say, turning around and sitting down. "I have no problem dancing on the pole or doing anything in front of you guys, but dancing on you and using you like that, it just feels weird."

Darkness in the Neon Lights (H2OVanoss)Where stories live. Discover now