t w e n t y

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After practice, my lawyer arrived since we couldn't go out. He reviewed the recording file and let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry Xukun. The evidence, it's too weak. It doesn't directly show she's trying to harm you except making that girl sleep with rich men for intel. If you submit this to the court, it's likely for your mother to win. But unless, of course, if you guys have a witness." He said.

Ziyi held my hands tightly and sat next to me throughout the conversation. "We have to convince her?" I asked. "I'm afraid so. But if she isn't willing, how about bribing her? Or convince her in any suitable way." The lawyer said.

"She believes me." Ziyi stated. "Yes, she believes you hate me, not wanting to defend me." I rolled my eyes. "Then we're only left with bribing." He let out a sigh.

"I'll call her for a hangout this weekend. Your mother can't find out too fast about the photoshop." Ziyi suggested. "Yes, the shop I asked is highly skilled. I bet she wouldn't notice at all. Those transactions are actually hers, spending on branded stuffs." I said.

"Well, I believe you two lads will figure this out very soon. Till then, I'll be waiting for your call." The lawyer shook hands with us and left. "It's okay. We can do this." Ziyi gave me a slight smile.


"X-Xukun ge?!" She was surprised to see me as she entered the private cafe. Ziyi and I finally could come out so we decided to meet at a private place because we surely don't want fans to find out about her. "Come sit." I gestured. She was quite stunned but she slowly took a seat.

"We'll be straight to the point. All you need is money, right? We will give you money. Be our witness once I open case against my mother." I bluntly said.

She was so silent, flabbergasted and lost with words. "I know you've been fucking rich men for information. I have footages of it." I smirked, although it was a lie and she'd be probably so dumb to find out anyway.

"S-so you guys set me up to this?" She turned over at Ziyi who had been quiet the whole time. "Exactly. I deserve an Oscar, don't I?" He huffed while sipping the coffee in front of him.

"Half blood, not only you will be able to live shamelessly throughout your life, mother will definitely discard you. No money and support, what will you do? I know you don't want that." I crossed my legs and spoke.

"N-no. Please don't do that!" She cried. "Then be our witness. And of course, we'll need your help for other hard evidence too." I explained.

"Anything you want. Please. I-I'm not what you guys think." She started to dwell up in tears. Here we go. Ugh. Girls and tears. "I don't care." I coldly said. "Ziyi ge, how could you do this? I thought you cared." She sobbed.

Ziyi was a bit taken back but he didn't gave any responses. "I helped our mother because only that way, I would survive. All those rich men I slept with, I was never willed. Mother forced me. She held someone I care as a hostage." She started crying even more.

I never knew about this story. I just decided to listen. It wouldn't harm anyone. "Before I left for the States, I had a boy I loved with all my life. It's Zhengting. But when mother found out, she threatened me to do things using him. Till now."

"You like Zhengting?!" I exclaimed, quite shocked. "Ever since the first day you took me to school. But these years, I've acted as my mother's doll... she turned me into a whole new person. I swear I didn't want this life. I wanted love, that's all." Tears destroyed all her make up.

"So summarizing our conversation, apart from your life drama, you agreed to be the witness, am I right?" I crossed my arms. I've grew up hating her, there's no change if she was forced or not. She changed everything. She killed my dad.

"Y-yes." She managed to say while sobbing hard. "Good, we'll contact you soon. Don't even think about bailing on us. If you do, we'll post the footages online." I pulled Ziyi along with me and left.

"That was mean." Ziyi mumbled. "What was?" I asked although I knew what he meant. "You should've cared about her a little in the past. Maybe you wouldn't hate her so much. She has a reason too, Xiao Kun, just like everyone else. She has a story too. You can't just do that to her." He said.

"But my father died because of her. I can never forget that, nor will I ever. She could be completely lying too." I shrugged. "Okay, okay. Cmon, we barely get to go out. Let's catch a movie." He suggested.

"You would do that?" I widened my eyes in happiness. "You said you hate public places." I exclaimed. "You're always an exception, Xiao Kun." He smiled.

We were lucky none of the fans were following. Or maybe. Since the cafe was completely private, the fans can't tell who we were meeting.

We arrived at a nearby cinema and bought tickets for 'Monster Hunt 2'

"This reminds me of Zhu Xingjie. His nickname is Huba." I said while paying for the tickets. We paid for our own. "I really wish he was dating with Xiao Gui." Ziyi chuckled.

I hit his arms softly. "If someone else misinterpreted your words, they'd be in trouble and that arrowhead will turn to us." I warned.

"Whatever, be quiet. We're already inside." He shushed me by stuffing the popcorns into my mouth.


We sadly couldn't do anything in the cinema because fans might be everywhere. We had dinner at the mall close by and went back straight.

"Oh my god!" Nong Nong yelled. It was already 10pm and almost everyone is back in their rooms. "What?" I asked.

"You guys! You and Xukun ge are trending on weibo with hashtag Yikun, it was top 3. And there are pictures of you and him at the cinema." He handed me over his phone.

"We expected this. It's just friends going out. We did nothing." I shrugged. "What's weird is there are so many positives comments although some are bad." Nong Nong carefully read the comments.

"We aren't allowed to use social media." I glared. "Oh, ssh, I asked from a production team jie jie." He gave me a boxy smile.

Positive comments? Maybe if this is over, I could open our relationship. We already got positive comments already. I'm pretty sure he's fine telling the truth too. I can't wait.

Do you guys think the public would positively respond if they came out as a gay couple? Will this 'scandal' make them closer or further apart??

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