t h r e e

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"We're so much in trouble if we aren't in bed by dawn." I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. "Fuck." I tried opening again but the door was really locked.

"Sorry." Xukun lowered his head. I placed my hand on his shoulders and smiled. "I'm not blaming you. We'll find a way. Trust me."

We looked around for any exits but there wasn't any. "It's so cold." He hugged himself for warmth. I looked at him carefully. I've never seen so much perfection in anyone. The way he moved was running like a slow motion to me.

"Ge?" I suddenly snapped out of my reverie. "S-sorry. I was just thinking about getting out." I huffed.

"I'm so stupid. I never should've chose this place." He crossed his arms. "Xiao Kun," he beamed when I call him that way. "At dinner, you were asking if I was into girls-" but then he interrupted me.

"That? It was a joke." He laughed. "You're not gay, are you?" He asked with an unserious tone. "Of course not." I shook my head and looked away. Weird sensations tensed through my nerves as I doubted my sexuality.

"What time is it?" He asked, probably trying to keep the conversation casual. "Let me check," I pulled out my phone and instantly a solution came up to my head. I could simply call any of the boys to come open us up.

My mouth automatically stopped when I was about to say that out loud. "Ge?" He tapped my shoulder. "11:56." I quickly answered before shoving my phone back into my pocket.

"Jesus. We're gonna freeze and die." He mumbled while taking a seat. I just silently say down next to him. "Ge, do you know I left TF boys to study? Who knew they'd be this famous." He muttered. "And you can be better than them. The past is the past. Let it go" I said.

He let out a huff. "What? You're into Disney stuff?" he asked. "NO! I just happen to have a little sister." I answered. "Actually I was thinking when this show ends and the temporary group disbands, people will eventually forget about me... will you forget about me?" He asked, blinking his eyes a few times. "I'm always there for you... no matter what. So don't worry." I smiled a little.

"Thanks a lot, ge. Anyway, I should get some sleep." He yawned as he stretched out. "Out here?" I widened. "I told my roommate I'll be here so when he wakes up, he'll probably come find us." He said.

"O-okay." I nodded. He laid his against the wall behind him and closed his eyes. It's the first time I had been feeling so weird when a guy was this close to me. I shut my eyes and turned to the opposite, hoping time will pass quickly.


I suddenly wake up and realized we were still on the rooftop. I looked over to Xukun who was sound asleep. He was even snoring. The tip of his nose was red from the cold. "Xiao Kun," I pushed him a little. He finally woke up and rubbed his eyes.

"Gosh... I really fell asleep." he mumbled. I chuckled they way he was cute although he said he isn't the cute type. "I-I just thought of an idea. I brought my phone... I'll call Nong Nong to come open up. It's 2am." I said. He shot his eyes wider, realizing how dumb he was. "OH MY GOD! I never thought of it." he exclaimed, starting to jump around.

I quickly dialed the phone as a sleepy Nong Nong picked up. "Ziyi ge? Aren't you in the room?" he asked in a sleepy manner. "Well, it's a long story..."

"So is he coming?" Xukun asked, putting his hands into his pockets for warmth. "Yes. He'll be here in a few minutes." I answered. "It was great spending time with you... except the locked part of course." he giggled. "Anytime." I tapped his shoulder.

The door flew open as Nong Nong appeared behind the metallic door. "Gosh, you guys were out here all this time?" he asked while handing out the hot packs. We both nodded. "Even the room is cold with the heater on. Cmon, let's go before anyone catches us." Nong Nong suggested.

"I'm gonna head back to my room now... good night." Xukun waved at me before parting ways. "Good night to you too." I watched him turn away as his back slowly faints away into distance. I've never been closes to guys. All my life, I was too keen on debuting, I've never considered love.

It was nature for opposite to attract each other. But it didn't feel right to me, to be natural. I tucked myself into the warm blanket while trying to close my eyes, distracting my weird thoughts for a second.


I maybe immature when it comes to BL so please point out any mistakes. I really don't mind xx

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