t w e n t y - e i g h t

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I tried to look for him but he was no where to be found. I sat on the nearby bench, looking out the window. Sometimes I wonder if keeping it a secret is good after all. I went my hands through my hair and let out a sigh.

I tried to call him multiple times but there were no answers. So I texted him

Me; can we please talk?


Me; look, I'm sorry but we still have to talk through it. I love you.


Me; where are you? I'm worried

But this time, it wasn't seen anymore. I called him again but the results were the same. I was typing another message but Justin's message interrupted.


As soon as I saw the message, I dashed to the emergency staircase while my heart pounded like it was the end of the world. He needs to be okay. Otherwise, I would blame myself for the rest of my life. I love this man and there was no way I'd let him go.


I was hiding in one of the practice rooms with the lights closed. I wouldn't deny my love for Xukun. I wouldn't be able to find my true self if it wasn't for him. But it aches me that our love has to be a secret. And secrets always hurt other people.

Xiao Kun; can we please talk?

Xiao Kun; look, I'm sorry but we still have to talk through it. I love you.  

Xiao Kun; typing...

But the typing stopped and a few seconds later, Justin's message popped up in my notification list.


I rushed to the staircase as I hopped up the stairs in my fastest speed. If something happens to him, I would never be able to forgive myself. I haven't told him I love him. The last thing I did was walk away from him, from the man I love.

As soon as I got to the rooftop, I saw no one but the view of bright city lights. Suddenly the door I just came through flung open as I saw Xukun panting for breath.

We both looked at each other, quite confused. "I thought you fainted." I asked. "No, I thought you fainted." He pointed at me. It was the same second as we both realized Justin set us up.

"I'm leaving." I muttered but he grabbed my wrist as tears started brimming in his beautiful eyes. "Ziyi ge, I really love you. You don't know how I felt when I got Justin's message. But us going public or not has nothing to do with that." he tightened the grip on my hand.

"It does! It has to do with everything! It's not everyday I fall in love with an idol that millions of girls are yearning for. I am afraid of losing you! And day by day, those love will all turn into fear! And you know nothing about that! All you care about is your fucking company." I yanked his hands away.

"We're not going to be a secret forever. All I'm asking you is a couple of months. After we debut and everything is in peace, we'll go public, I promise." he tried to grab my wrists again and I let him. "You promised me we'd go public after your mother's case." I sighed.

"I'm sorry. But I can't risk it. If I lose you, I lose everything. If we go public now, there will be scandals and that is the last thing you want when you're in a survival show. Please," he pulled me into a hug. He wrapped his hands around my back and buried his face on my shoulder.

I pulled away and cupped his cold cheeks. "I just can't resist you, can I?" I smiled. He was so fragile and vulnerable. I automatically leaned in for a kiss as we immediately found each other quite fast.


It was sound of a confetti. We looked behind us and it was Justin and Cheng Cheng behind the wall. "Oh my god! You guys are back together! You don't know how much I'm happy for you both! We starved ourselves to help you guys out so treat us tonight!" Cheng Cheng pouted. Xukun and I chuckled. "Deal."


We woke up the next morning by the staff members but it was only 5 am when I checked the clock next to me. "Wang Ziyi, the production team needs to see you, as well as the mentors." the staff said. "At 5 am?" I sheepishly talked. 'Yes, it's very urgent." 

Judging on his serious expression, I got myself out of bed and followed her. We arrived at the room with the director, Zhang PD, Teacher Li, and Jackson. Soon enough, Justin and Cheng Cheng arrived. The last was a sleepy Xukun walking through the door.

"Do you why we gathered you four today?" the director asked. "W-we don't." Justin answered. "Take a look at that." he turned his laptop to our side. It was an article. I went closer to take a look.

"Idol Producer top trainees Wang Ziyi and Cai Xukun seen kissing"


I know I usually update daily but from now on, it's likely to be like once two days because I've said this before but I'm really busy with my exams and I barely have time for this. I wrote this because it's holiday in my country today. Otherwise, I don't know when I'll be able to write this.

(haven't proofread) 

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