s e v e n

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We were sitting by the living room. Two more friends of Yurong arrived. They blended well with the rest. I was isolated on my own while thinking about Xukun. Has I been reading the signals wrong all this time? Why would he keep such a thing from me? Logically thinking, I had no right of being informed either.

"I could tell something's buzzing in your head." Yurong sat next to me. "About the thing we talked about on the car..."

Flashback start

"I think Cai Xukun will get first." Justin mumbled from the backseat. All of us were squeezed in the taxi.

"That's definite. He told me he's practicing really hard." Yurong smiled. "You know him?" I widened my eyes.

"Oh yes, we're friends." She answered. "We used to be in the same middle school. I thought he was gay at first." She laughed. "What made you change your mind then?" I asked.

"Oh he dated a girl back in middle school. I think he's still dating her in fact. My mom says so." She said. "But if you know him, Jung Jung should too. But you guys pretend like strangers." Justin curiously said.

"Long story short. He moved out to USA. Can we change the subject please?" Jung Jung complained, looking a bit uncomfortable.

Flashback end

"Are you sure? That Xukun is dating a girl." I asked. "That's what we assume. He's so secretive, we're barely informed of his romantic life." She giggled.

"Oh." It was all I said. "You don't have to hide it. Maybe the others can't see it, I can." She said, putting her hand on my shoulder. "You like Xukun." She smirked.

"No I don't!" I defended, not sure of myself. "You can deny as much as you want. You can never lie Zhu Yurong." She proudly said. I just stayed silent.

"The truth is... well, my brother liked that girl too. But the girl was crazy for Xukun. Soon, Xukun accepted her proposal. It pissed my brother off, like a lot. Then-" she stopped when she saw Jung Jung was heading at our direction.

"Then what? Why ddi you stop?" He asked with a slight smile, probably assuming we were a thing now.

"Nothing much. We were talking about a movie." I said, not wanting Yurong to be caught. "Anyway, I invited a few trainees over tomorrow. It'll be fun as hell. And by evening, we'll go back to the dorm." He explained.

"Cool with me." I nodded. He winked at his sister and walked away into the kitchen.

"Phew! I'd be dead meat if he finds out I told you. Cmon, we need to be somewhere quiet." She grabbed my hands as we walked upstairs.


"This is ticking me off." I mumbled while eating ramen in Nong Nong's room. "Ge, you know that I know everything, right? You've been to obvious." He put down his phone and same sat next to me.

"I don't care!" I said. "I care. At least, the program is still airing. You don't wanna cause a chaos." He suggested. "I don't know anymore. You heard what he said? He isn't coming back till Sunday night." I complained.

"I heard that very clearly. Did you do something that would piss him off?" He asked. "Not that I remember of." I sighed.

"Is there any secrets he's supposed to know?" He asked. I stopped and stared at Nong Nong. He possibly couldn't find out. After all, it was just pretending.

Or maybe... Jung Jung told him.


I know I left you guys with a cliffhanger. Tbh, I haven't thought of a proper plot line for this "secret". So yeh. I'm just updating  this to show I'm still alive.

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