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My little sister was getting ready for her first day at her new school. She was pretty nervous to meet all of these new people and hopefully make friends. I, on the other hand, was home-schooled most of the time and didn't really bother to finally attend an actual school building. Luckily, for me, school won't be on my mind until next week 'cause of 'renovation'. 'Y/n can you take me to school?' Oh and by the way, I'm 16. I got a drivers liscense and a car which is my mom's, but she lets me borrow it every once in a while. 'Seriously? Can't mom take you?' I yelled from my room with my phone in front of me and a bowl of cereal in my lap. 'No, she came home late from work yesterday, so she has a day off!' And Vanessa is my little sister, who is 13. (Do these ages make sense? Idk whatever) I heard her footsteps approaching and 5 seconds later she was standing in my doorway looking annoyed. 'Come on, y/n. Don't be such a di-' I quickly cut her off 'cause I knew where this was going to end. She would desperately curse with me not giving into it until she calls our mother and wakes her up. She defenitely doesn't want to be woken up right now after such a long day at work so I decided to just take the responsibility and bring my lovely little sister to school. 'Alright, alright, I'll take you!' I said with my hands gesturing for her to get out of my room. 'Thanks sis!' Vanessa said before she finally left my room and returned to her own. I rolled my eyes and continued to eat from my cornflakes and texting my best friend Hayley.
to Babygirl💘🔥:
Ugh, I need to take Vanessa to school🙄

from Babygirl💘🔥:

to Babygirl💘🔥:
Yes, it is

from Babygirl💘🔥:
well, maybe you'll see some hot girls there!

to Babygirl💘🔥:
yeah right. remember the last time you said that? Lauren wasn't so pleased...

from Babygirl💘🔥:
but they didn't wear uniforms there with skirts. just saying.😏

to Babygirl💘🔥:
true... but most of the time they are not gay.

from Babygirl💘🔥:
y/n . listen to me. I never told anyone about this, but Lauren wore a school uniform too when we met.

to Babygirl💘🔥:
Lauren? in a uniform? yeah right😂

from Babygirl💘🔥:
Okay, maybe not, but it would totally look good on her🤤

to Babygirl💘🔥:
why don't you tell Lauren that and do some roleplay?😂

from Babygirl💘🔥:
good idea! I'll tell her when she comes home from work then.

to Babygirl💘🔥:
Haiz, I was kidding😳

from Babygirl💘🔥:
yeah I know. was just joking with you.😙

to Babygirl💘🔥:
how's Camila doing?

from Babygirl💘🔥:
haven't seen her since friday night at Dinah's party. dk what she's up to honestly.

to Babygirl💘🔥:
yeah whatever, I gotta go now.

from Babygirl💘🔥:
okay, but don't forget to tell me all the details!☺️

to Babygirl💘🔥:
shut up dork😘👋🏻

from Babygirl💘🔥:
remember I'm the one with the girlfriend here, y/l/n!

I read before I closed my screen and walked into the bathroom to get ready.
'Are you nervous?' I asked her when we finally had made our way to the car and I unlocked it. 'Yeah, a little.' Vanessa said uninterested as she opened the door and got in. (a blue Volvo XC90) It was a 10 minute drive until Vanessa told me to stop in front of a building which said 'Abraham Lincoln High School'. 'Look, I know you don't want to hear this, but you gotta walk to the dean with me. I need to get my schoolpass and there needs to be an elder with me. 'So I'm an elder now?' I asked her smirking. She rolled her eyes in annoyance and got out of the car. 'Of course I'll help you princess!' I told her sarcastic as I stepped out too, shut the door and locked the car. As I looked up to take in the campus, Vanessa had already disappeared in the crowd of children that stood before the entrance of the school. 'Are you kidding me.' I quietly said to myself. As I desperately tried to push myself through the horde of kids I noticed they were all wearing the same uniforms. (image above) 'Y/n, over here!' I heard someone yell from my right, but as I turned my head I was just met with more teens and kids with uniforms. And of course with my length, even if I stood on my toes and tried so hard to overlook the people, I couldn't see shit. All of a sudden a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the side of the chaos. 'Y/n, the dean is waiting. Why are you so unhelpful? I asked you to do 1 thing, come on!' She said still pulling me with her, even though the crowd was far behind us already. Finally, we arrived at a door that said 'Mr Peater's office.' which I assumed was the dean. Vanessa wanted to knock on the door as it flew open by a man in a suit. 'You must be Vanessa y/l/n! Come in, come in!' He walked back to his desk and I just followed Vanessa just barged in there and casually sat down on a chair. 'Alright, so you need a school pass, and a uniform to begin with.' He said in a playful tone which made Vanessa laugh but I just cringed. 'Ehm sorry, she needed an elder to join her if she wanted to get the school pass?' I asked him with my finger pointing at Vanessa and a questioning look on my face. I just wanted to get out of there as fast as I could. 'Yes-' He quickly cleared his throat, 'of course, the school pass. All I need you to do is to sign right here.' He said holding a piece of paper in front of me all of a sudden, with his finger pointing at a line at the bottom of the page. 'Alright.' I said as I grabbed it from him and quickly signed it with a scribble. 'Can I go now?' I asked with Vanessa looking at me in disbelieve and the dean just nodding speachless. 'Eh yes, you can. Vanessa can do this herself for the rest.' I stood up from my chair and just walked out of there, never wanting to go back there ever again as I ran into somebody and we both fell to the ground.

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