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I woke up and got ready before flopping open my suitcase. Yoongi made space in his wardrobe for my few clothes and cleared a drawer for my undergarments. I handed him a pile of things to place in the drawer and he carefully picked up a lacy black bra from on top.
"Hey you were wearing this when we first-"
He was interrupted as Tae opened the door, announcing that breakfast was ready. Yoongi placed my things in the drawer and we headed into the kitchen to grab breakfast. Jin made pancakes in celebration of me moving in. We hurriedly ate before returning to unpack my things.

I finished unpacking my clothes and tossed my toiletry bag into the bathroom cupboard. Yoongi sat on my bed, smiling at a handful of photos he held. He put down the pile and handed me one, a picture of the boys with all the snacks I gave them the first time I worked with them. I placed the photos on his desk and sat on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Thank you for everything Yoongi, I love you" I said kissing him lightly on the lips. He smiled at me, a look of love and admiration in his eyes.
"I love you more, my flower"

I reached over and grabbed the box I was given, revealing a doll dressed in a traditional Japanese Kimono, decorated in small red flowers. The doll had a camera held in her hand. I smiled and placed it on the bedside table. Smiling happily at how my life was changing for the better.


I tucked Poppy into bed so she can catch up on sleep and walked into the lounge room to sit with the boys.
"Hey hyung, I looked up Poppy flowers, apparently they're really low maintenance and really pretty" Jungkook said, causing Namjoon to laugh.
"Are you sure? Low maintenance sounds more like Yoongi" Namjoon says earning a glare from me. Jin soon calls out from the kitchen that lunch is ready. We all sit down and eat, glad that we have time off to relax.

"So hyung? When are you gonna propose?" Jimin says jokingly, and I just smile and shrug my shoulders.

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