I'm going where?

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I woke up halfway through Sunday to the sound of my ringtone. My boss was calling me, shit was I late for work?!
I checked the time and I still had 2 hours until I needed to be at the company. I quickly answered the phone, and was told I needed to be there within the next 30 minutes. I quickly got ready and made myself look presentable before quickly walking to the company. I headed to the bosses office and knocked before entering. The boys' manager, choreographer and stylist was there along with my boss.
"Ah Poppy you're here. I apologise for the sudden call in but we have an important matter to discuss." He began, my palms became sweaty.
"Am I in trouble?" I asked, nervous to here the answer. My boss broke into a chuckle before explaining.
"No Poppy, it's quite the opposite actually. The Korean team working with BTS really enjoyed working along side you and wish for you to continue working with them until the album is released. That way they will have you available whenever they need in case of new ideas or such."
I nodded taking in this new information.
"But the boys are returning to Korea tomorrow, how am I meant to work with them?' I asked, adjusting my bag on my shoulder.
"Ah I'm glad you asked, here take this." He said, handing me a crisp envelope. Inside was two plane tickets and a wad of money.
"Sir I can't accept this money" I said, attempting to hand him back the envelope.
"You deserve this, it's a bonus for working so hard the past week. Keen up the good work while in Korea alright? You're representing our branch of the company while there." I thanked him and the other people in the room, heading out of his office. I shut the door and a smile spread across my face. I quickly sent Yoongi a text, asking where he was.


"Hyunggg your girlfriend texted you!" Hoseok yells across the dressing room.
"She's not my girlfriend. And give me my phone"
"Not yet" He replies as he passes me my phone.

*Hey where are you? I've got some good news :)*

I quickly replied to Poppy and soon her head popped in the door. Everyone greeted her as she walked over to me, an envelope in her hand.
"Hey what's up?" I say and she stands next to my chair as my hair gets done. She smiled before pulling something out of the envelope and handing it to me. It was a plane ticket, to Korea?
"I'm coming with you guys!" She says, a smile spread across her face. I smile back at her but soon glare at the boys making kissy faces in the reflection of the mirror at us.

Poppy was called away to set up the equipment for the V-live as our team finished our hair and makeup.

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