First Date cont.

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We decided to spend the rest of the evening walking around the city. I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face and neither could he.

Turning the corner, we arrived at a busy intersection and Yoongi quickly grabbed my hand so that he wouldn't lose me. My heart started beating so loudly I'm certain he could hear it.

"Are you hungry?" Yoongi asked, snapping me out of my daydream. I nodded and we headed into a small restaurant. We greeted the owner and sat at a small table. I asked Yoongi what he'd like to eat, looking up to see his confused face.
"Oh I'm sorry I asked in Japanese didn't I."  I sat there flustered before we both broke out into laughter, earning some glares from other customers. We ordered two bowls of ramen and a plate of gyoza and we ate while chatting about random things.
"Could you teach me some Japanese? I'll teach you some Korean in exchange" he suggests, a shy smile on his face.
I paid for our meal and we walked outside, waiting for the company driver to take us back home.

We scrambled into the car and sat next to each other, Yoongi's hand lightly placed on top of mine. We began to teach each other our languages, starting with the basics of course. Soon, the car pulled up outside my apartment and I quickly kissed Yoongi on the cheek.
"I had fun tonight, Thank you."
He sat there shocked as I climbed out of the car and waved goodbye, unable to hide the smile on my face.

I opened the door to my apartment to see Suzi asleep on the couch, unopened snacks all around her and a movie still playing on screen. I tried to nudge her awake but with no luck, so I quickly picked her up and took her back to her bed. Turning the movie off, I decided we could clean up tomorrow before heading to the company to say goodbye to the boys. Tomorrow is their last day, where they have an interview and will do a V-live to announce their Japanese album. They then fly back to Korea early Monday morning.

I slipped into my pjs and climbed into bed, feeling content with the evenings events. I'm going to miss Yoongi and his pale skin and his deep brown eyes and those pink lips.
Wait what? I-I'm not falling for him am I? I groaned and rolled over, slowly falling asleep, with one person on my mind, the boy I have fallen for.

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