I liked Holly, she was a sweet girl and she was extremely funny. But, I couldn't associate with her because of what she did to Liv, even if it made no sense, at all! 

"Whatever." I scowled and walked away.

I walked down the hall to my locker and found Brody standing there with flowers in his hands with chocolates. I had to blink twice to see if this was for real. Oh my gosh.. it is!

I looked at his beautiful face and I was on the verge of tears.

"Baby, please take me back. I was drunk, I didn't mean it."  He pleaded whilst I opened my locker.

I rummaged through my locker and got my science book before I closed it and finally faced Brody.

"I can't." I whispered.

"Why not?" He asked anger building up in his voice.

"I can't get hurt over and over again! If we break up I'm going to cry and you'll just flipping bring me chocolates and flowers. I don't need you to buy me things to win my love. I just want you to not cheat on me and be there for me during hard times but, you can't even do that." I screamed, causing people to look at us and walk slower then they were before.

"You don't know how much I love you." He said as he softly pushed me against the lockers. He pressed his lips on mines and softly bit my bottom lip. I kissed him back and licked his bottom lip for entrance, which he gave me. Our tongues fought for battle and I took in his minty breath. He slowly pulled away and pecked my lips.

"If you screw up one more time, I'll cut you off." I said as he brushed his lips against mines and passionately kissed me.

"I'm never leaving." He said as he intertwined our hands together and we walked down the hall, smiling at each other. 

I swear, I'm bipolar.

"Tell me it's not true." Liv said as she joined my side.

"What's true?" I asked dumbly as I walked to the office.

"Everyone's saying Brody came to your locker. You were screaming and he kissed you and told you some shit and now you guys are together." Charles explained.

"And that Holly's back." Liv added on.

"Unfortunately, it's true." I smiled and they groaned.

"I'm telling Alex." Liv threatened and I laughed.

"Go ahead." I said not really caring.

"We'll lock you up in a tower and you'll wear turtle necks and long jeans and I'll buy you boots. We'll shave your head off and cut off your breast then no guy will want you." Liv continued to go on. "Well, Charles might want you." Liv smirked and I glared at her.

"Shut up." Charles said quickly and I looked at him.

"I don't see the big problem. If he cheats on me, I'll be a step ahead because I'm not really going to care about what he does." I said and walked infront of the girls locker room, making them both stop infront of me.

"You'll cry, I know how you're sensitive." Liv said and I dramatically sighed. That's when Brody and his friends were coming down the hall. Perfect timing, eh?

"Babe!" I called out for Brody and he looked at me and made his way over with his friends.

"Yeah?" He asked and held my waist. I winked at Liv and Charles and they grumbled.

"I missed you." I said and ran my hand through his hair. I crashed my lips on his and he hungrily kissed back. I deepened the kiss quickly and all of his friends cheered.

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