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(A/N : 100th chapter!! ❤️)

    Sarhmx : " 'won't somebody come take me home?' Where is Avril Lavigne when you need her "

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   Brielifeb4 : @sarhmx hey that's a pretty cool pic, Can I use it? I'd give credit ofc

    Gimmicks : @sarhmx apparently working on her album

     Niallhoran : @sarhmx well this is gonna be easy since you have two followers

     Niallhoran : @sarhmx where did they even come from

     Sarhmx : @niallhoran plz leave me alone

     Niallhoran : @sarhmx just let me in. I'll only stay for a while, I won't talk about getting you out or whatever, I promise

     Sarhmx : @niallhoran get in, the door's open Anyways

    Niallhoran : @sarhmx so what is it like in here?

   Sarhmx : @niallhoran drama-free

   Sarhmx : @niallhoran I have a therapist come to my room whenever I need to talk

  Niallhoran : @sarhmx that's nice

   Sarhmx : @niallhoran yeah I just never talk lmao

   Niallhoran : @sarhmx you wanted this tho?

    Sarhmx : @niallhoran yeah but what's going on in my mind sounds stupid when it comes out of my mouth

   Niallhoran : @sarhmx try me?

    Sarhmx : @niallhoran why not

    Sarhmx : @niallhoran Niall

   Sarhmx : @niallhoran thank you for coming

    Sarhmx : @niallhoran I didn't know I needed to see any of you as much I do rn

    Sarhmx : @niallhoran I was honestly too embarrassed to ask

   Niallhoran : @sarhmx harry waits for you tho, outside this door

     Sarhmx : @niallhoran yeah that's another story

    Sarhmx : @niallhoran I'll try to talk but if I don't, can you still stay?

    Sarhmx : @niallhoran plz

    Niallhoran : @sarhmx wtf Perrie ofc I will both ways

    Niallhoran : @sarhmx nice username btw

    Sarhmx : @niallhoran lol

      Sarhmx : @niallhoran Niall do you think I'm overreacting about this

     Niallhoran : @sarhmx did you see the bitch's post

     Niallhoran : @sarhmx cuz you have to know that he was actually dropped on his head as a baby, which is why he's actually stupid

      Sarhmx : @niallhoran I mean you always hear "exposed" -or whatever tf this is callled - people cry and whatever, and you're like "umm this is not that big of a deal tho"

   Sarhmx : @niallhoran ffs I remember wondering the same thing just a week before it happened to me and I feel so bad for thinking it was stupid

   Sarhmx : @niallhoran it really is shit

     Sarhmx : @niallhoran and to think that he even came to visit me is just

    Niallhoran : @sarhmx ???????????

    Niallhoran : @sarhmx he what?????????

   Sarhmx : @niallhoran yeah. Obv I didn't let him in.

    Niallhoran : @sarhmx what the actual fuck does he want

   Sarhmx : @niallhoran asking myself the same question

    Niallhoran : @sarhmx how are you feeling tho

   Sarhmx : @niallhoran better

    Sarhmx : @niallhoran I'm waiting for the people to forget about this bloody incident and then I can show my face

    Niallhoran : @sarhmx you shouldn't Tho. The Perrie ik wouldn't even care

    Sarhmx : @niallhoran yeah well, I would as well if it wasn't for the fact that.. wait for it... for the hundredth time, I get bloody harassed

   Niallhoran : @sarhmx people are disgusting

     Sarhmx : @niallhoran you're not. You're drama-free, Niall. I like you.

      Niallhoran : @sarhmx and you're a ball of sunshine, Perrie. You always put a smile on my stupid face. I like you.

    Sarhmx : @niallhoran I'm not putting a smile on your face rn

   Niallhoran : @sarhmx it's cuz you're not happy

    Niallhoran : @sarhmx lesson number 1 : your happiness affects other's happiness, mine included. If you're sad, I'm sad, bitch.

   Sarhmx : @niallhoran aw Niall

    Niallhoran : @sarhmx omg is that a smile

    Niallhoran : @sarhmx shit I feel like a magician

   Niallhoran : @sarhmx sorry. You just had the ugliest frown just two seconds ago, I'm shocked

   Sarhmx : @niallhoran tbh that's the first time I've smiled in the past two weeks

   Sarhmx : @niallhoran thank you. I mean it.

   Niallhoran : @sarhmx nah what are bitches for.


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