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   Perrieedwards :    "Happy valentine, bitches 🖤"

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   Solonigel : @perrieedwards well if by valentine you mean Netflix with my cat and ice cream with my sis then alright

   Itscameeeela : ^^^^ lmao me

   Harrystyles : @perrieedwards okay so

    Perrieedwards : @harrystyles wait let's wait two more min

     Niallhoran : @perrieedwards I mean you've been saying that for an hour..

    Jesynelson : @perrieedwards face it bitch you won't be blessed with mini Harrys

    Perrieedwards : @jesynelson actually the mini harrys will have all my gorgeous features

   Jesynelson : @perrieedwards yeah and his ugly personality

   Harrystyles : @jesynelson hey! Your face is ugly!

   Jesynelson : @harrystyles stop stealing his phone louis

     Harrystyles : @jesynelson I'm sorry but whenever I see an opportunity to roast people I take it

      Jesynelson : @harrystyles *claps* *rolls eyes*

     Harrystyles : @jesynelson *smacks your eyes*

    Jesynelson : @harrystyles ew

    Harrystyles : @jesynelson yeah that was Niall

   Perrieedwards : @liampayne @louistomlinson @harrystyles @niallhoran @leighanne @jadethirlwall @jesynelson guys this is a very important moment for me ok

    Niallhoran : @perrieedwards just do it

   Niallhoran : @perrieedwards *smirks*

   Perrieedwards : @liampayne @louistomlinson @harrystyles @niallhoran @leighanne @jadethirlwall @jesynelson guys can you stop using this * I'm so done

    Perrieedwards : @liampayne @louistomlinson @harrystyles @niallhoran @leighanne @jadethirlwall @jesynelson ok imma do it

    Leighanne : @perrieedwards anytime now

     Perrieedwards :  @leighanne stop, you're stressing me out

     Leighanne : @perrieedwards sure. Poor excuse tho.

    Jesynelson : @perrieedwards oh ffs

   Perrieedwards : @jesynelson NOOOO

   Jesynelson : @liampayne @louistomlinson @harrystyles @niallhoran @leighanne @jadethirlwall @perrieedwards okay it's...

  Jesynelson : : @liampayne @louistomlinson @harrystyles @niallhoran @leighanne @jadethirlwall @perrieedwards holy shit

   Jesynelson : @liampayne @louistomlinson @harrystyles @niallhoran @leighanne @jadethirlwall @perrieedwards it's negative who would've fucking thought

   Perrieedwards : @jesynelson oh

    Jesynelson : @perrieedwards yeah

     Liampayne : @perrieedwards @louistomlinson @harrystyles @niallhoran @leighanne @jadethirlwall @jesynelson let's get out of this crowded bathroom cuz I'm having an asthma attack and I don't even have asthma

    Harrystyles : @perrieedwards hey you okay

   Perrieedwards : @harrystyles I'm great actually

   Harrystyles : @perrieedwards good

   Perrieedwards : @harrystyles wtf!

    Harrystyles : @perrieedwards what's wrong?

   Perrieedwards : @harrystyles Nothing Harry just I wanna be Alone for a sec

   Harrystyles : @perrieedwards oh you're gonna have a shower?

   Perrieedwards : @harrystyles well more like my eyes are gonna have a shower

  Harrystyles : @perrieedwards what

  Perrieedwards : @harrystyles Nothing

    Harrystyles : @perrieedwards you know you don't have to try so hard to sound happy

  Perrieedwards : @harrystyles um what

    Harrystyles : @perrieedwards just a reminder that we're in this together obv so I'm always here for you. It's fine to be upset, I am too.

   Perrieedwards : @harrystyles why tf were you acting so oblivious just a sec ago when you're in fact dr phill

   Harrystyles : @perrieedwards idk. Imma go now, if you need anything I'm in the living room

  Perrieedwards : @harrystyles aha

    Perrieedwards : @perrieedwards life sucks

   Perrieedwards : @perrieedwards ugh

   Perrieedwards : @perrieedwards wow I've finally gone crazy I'm actually mentioning myself

   Perrieedwards : @Perrieedwards : what is this

    Perrieedwards : @perrieedwards there's another test?

   Perrieedwards : @perrieedwards i don't remember buying two

   Perrieedwards : @perrieedwards oh well

    Perrieedwards : @perrieedwards what do you suggest we do with it

  Perrieedwards : @perrieedwards stare at it

  Perrieedwards : shit I really am stupid

   Perrieedwards : how Can I block myself

    Perrieedwards : ugh guess I'm just gonna take it so the money doesn't go to waste

   Perrieedwards : @perrieedwards poor excuse



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