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     I looked up at the house in front of me. Erza's house that Mira had directed me to. I wasn't ready. But would I ever be? I took a deep breath and, before I could stop myself, knocked on the door. I heard a shaky voice call out from inside. "Who is it...?"
     "Erz, it's me. Y/N. Can I come in? Please. I just want to make sure you're  okay." Silence. Then a reply.
     "Yes." I opened the door and stepped in, paying no attention to the house itself, but instead being completely focused on getting to Erza. I finally rounded a corner and stepped into what I assumed to be her bedroom. There, sitting in the middle of her bed, was Erza. The sight of her nearly broke my heart. She was curled up, hugging her knees to her chest, her armor on the floor along with her sword. Her red hair covered most of her face, but I could still see tear tracks on her cheeks. I tentatively crept closer.
     "Erz? Hey, what's wrong? Talk to me, please." I sat on the bed and put my hand on her shoulder, pushing down my affections. She looked up at me, her chocolate eyes meeting my E/C ones. They welled up with tears before she flung herself into my arms and began sobbing on my shoulder. Surprised, I tightly wrapped my arms around her in a protective way. We stayed like that for a minute, not speaking, not moving. Eventually, she pulled back, her head still resting on my chest, and looked up at me. It wasn't right. It wasn't ok. Yet, I found my face drawing closer to hers like a magnetic field. My hand cupped her cheek as our lips met in a soft kiss. It was sweet and gentle, nothing like my previous relationship. Before I knew what was happening, I felt Erza's hands catch in my hair and tug me closer. Finally, we pulled away and just stared at each other for a moment. Erza was the first to speak.
     "Well, I guess I shouldn't have assumed you didn't love me, then, huh?" I smiled.
     "I guess not. I shouldn't have done the same with you."
     "I'm glad we were both wrong. Now, where were we?" Erza grabbed my face and brought me in for another kiss.

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