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Juvia's cold stare remained on me, even after I lowered my hands so they were no longer aimed at Gray. "Juv. Listen. I don't want us to fight anymore. This is the first time we've seen each other in a year. I don't want the first thing we do to be fighting." Juvia's eyes softened, but she kept her hands raised, ready to launch an attack if I hurt Gray.

"I don't want to fight either. You were my best friend for five years. I taught you everything you know. I care about you, Y/N." Slowly, the water mage's hands lowered, so they were at her sides in a sign of peace. She stepped closer to me warily, clearly wondering if I was still the same girl who came to her that day, desperately needing a place to stay. "Y/N... I'm sorry for leaving Phantom Lord... For leaving you." I took a deep breath before asking the question I'd wanted to since Juvia announced she was leaving.

"Why? Why did you leave us?" Juvia sighed.

"Gray. But he didn't force me to leave, if that's what you're thinking. All he did was show me what I should've had at Phantom Lord. What I didn't have. You know what Master Jose is like. He hit me on a daily basis. He'd wait until you were distracted... Then he'd hit me. I endured years of that constant abuse. Then I met Gray Fullbuster. And it was love at first sight. He was perfect. Everything I'd dreamed of. But I had to fight him, or I'd be hit again. So I did. We fought on a roof, and when I slipped off, Gray caught me and pulled me up. I expected to die. I hoped to die. Yet, when Gray saved me, I... I didn't want to die. At that moment in time, I wanted to live, to live because it meant I might see this boy again. I was willing to endure any torture if it meant I could see Gray once more. And when he pulled me up to lay on the roof beside him and recover, guess what happened? The sky cleared. It stopped raining. Because for the first time in years, I was happy. He made me happy. So when he offered me a chance to join Fairy Tail with him, I accepted. He was my happiness. I'd finally found my light at the end of the tunnel. I ran into it without thinking of who I was leaving behind. You ask me why I left you. That's why. I left because I was lovesick, I wasn't thinking straight, and because I needed to be happy so badly that I would've done anything. Switching guilds seemed like nothing if it meant I could be with Gray. I'm sorry I left you so suddenly. I truly am. But you're here now. And we can be best friends again, without a constant stress to do everything perfectly. You're free." I ran towards Juvia and wrapped my arms tightly around her. I felt her arms pull me close.

"No, Juv. We're free."

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