Finding A Guild

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I groaned inwardly. My feet were aching; I'd been walking all day. I still hadn't found lodgings, food, my sister, or someplace I could learn to harness my magic. Night was falling and I was ready to sleep on the streets, when I heard a girl shouting something about a guild. "Join our guild! Become the strongest, the best, the most fearsome wizard in all of Fiore through Phantom Lord! No matter what type of magic you have, we have room for you!" I walked quickly towards the voice, hoping to learn more. I got closer and it started raining. I noticed that the closer I got, the more it started to rain. When I saw the owner of the voice, it was pouring down rain. The girl had blue hair that came to her shoulders, dark blue eyes, pale skin, and was wearing a blue fuzzy hat edged with white. She had a matching dress and boots as well as a strange white doll on the front of her dress. I noticed the pink umbrella in her hand that clashed with her entire theme, which seemed to be blue. I approached her and her hard stare turned towards me. "Yes?" She asked. I took a deep breath.

"Hi. So, listen. I ran away from home after discovering I was magic earlier today, so I need a place to stay, food, and probably a way to learn to control my powers... What's this guild you're talking about?" Her eyes seemed to soften slightly, but her lips stayed in a tight frown.

"It's a magical guild. You do jobs for people to get Jewel so you can buy food, a place to live, and possibly items, depending on your magic. We do help you train to be able to control your magic as well. And you'll need a place on your body for a guild stamp." I grinned.

"When can I start?" She turned and started walking away.

"Right now. Just follow me. I'm Juvia by the way. Juvia Lockser."

"Y/N. Y/N L/N." She stopped as you both approached a large brick building.

"Well, Y/N." She threw the doors open to reveal an open space with lots of tables, chairs, and people. "Welcome to Phantom Lord."

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