Five Years Later

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I walked into Phantom Lord's guild hall after a three day job that left me bruised and bloody. I made a beeline for the S-Class table. I sat there often, since I'd become an S-Class mage a year ago. I sat down next to Totomaru with a heavy sigh. He looked over at me. "You look awful, Y/N." I rolled my eyes.

"Gee, thanks. You sure know how to flatter a girl." He chuckled.

"Did you at least get paid well?" I nodded.

"50,000 Jewel. Definitely enough to pay rent."

"That's good." I sat up and turned to face your friend.

"Alright, what is it?" Totomaru looked confused, but I wasn't buying it. "You're not acting like yourself. Normally, you'd be full of flirty and snarky comments." He took a deep breath.

"Juvia and I met up today..." I gave him a death stare. When me, Juvia, and a few other Phantom Lord members were instructed to go fight some Fairy Tail members, it didn't go so well. Because that's when Juvia met him. Gray Fullbuster. I'd never met him, but I hated him. He was the reason my best friend left Phantom Lord and joined Fairy Tail. I hated him and Levy McGarden. Levy was the reason Gajeel stayed in Fairy Tail. He left with Juvia because he didn't really get along with anyone except me and her. I'd begged him to stay, but he didn't listen. Then he met Levy, and any chance he had of returning to Phantom Lord vanished. I focused on Totomaru.

"I thought I told you to never mention her name again." I stood and started walking towards the job board.

"She still cares about you!" I froze. She still cares? But after the fight, I thought...

"Really?" Totomaru approached me.

"Yes. And she said that Fairy Tail will accept you. You won't have to hide your sexuality from them like you do from Master Jose." I could be myself? I hugged my friend.

"Thank you," I whispered, before running out of the guild hall. I didn't stop running until I reached a building with huge wooden doors. A banner was hung on the building with a red guild mark. "FAIRY TAIL" was scrawled on the building above the banner. It was now or never. I took a deep breath... And pushed the doors open.

They Wouldn't UnderstandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora