Chapter -3- BrotherHood

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{ Time Skip To After Three Week By The New Coffee of Muffet }

~ Quick summation ~

- Everything is going well for Geno, except for the nightmares that follow him from time to time.

- As for Dust and Blue, let us say that Blue had many questions about Dust behavior when Geno was in their house, but he could not find an answer.

- Blue visits with his brother Geno every weekend to check on him.

- For work, it was easy and simple and Muffet was understanding of Geno's current situation.

- Until now Ink and Geno brothers don't know what happened to him, but Geno received several messages in his phone from RT!Undyne and RT!Alphys about What happen between him and Reaper?!, and Why Reaper go out with Toriel ' Life'?! and so many questions he has to answer it. So, he answers all the questions calmly like he and Reaper break up, of course he did not say he pregnant they will go tell Reaper then kill him if that possible and after that they in communicate with him almost daily to check on him.


- In The Anti-Void -

Error PoV:

Damn, Today is the day I must visit my older brother Geno. It's not like I don't want to visit him I have F**king things must to do first make me busy like sh!t, but I should visit him from time to time because we are brothers first and secondly because I need sometimes advice from him and he is good at giving advice.

But thinking about him live with that piece of sh!t make me feel sick and also I have to go with that colorful abomination, Geno be so happy when see us together when we visit him sometimes, so he deserve to us together sometimes .. AHH sh!t.

It's had eight years passed since my marriage with Ink and I have two children with him and beside my family life as a destructive work that did not end but only changed from the destruction of other AU to the removal of the codes that affect the timeline of those AU and destroy the genocide timelines.

I'm in my and Ink house in the Anti-Void seating on the couch and in front of me my children are playing together and Ink in the kitchen make the dinner, I took my phone out and call the abomination, he don't answer the call imm then he answer me with his ridiculous words but I cut him with what I want him "to go with me to visit Geno", but he reply with a F**k excuse so I tell him with anger What?!, make my sons look at me with feared look, I take a deep breath and let it out and end the call before he reply, sh!ty abomination. I stand up from the couch, put my phone back to my pocket and give my sons forehead kisses and go to the kitchen give Ink a warmth hug from behind kiss on his neck make him blush then told him that I'm going to visit Geno, he ask me about that sh!ty abomination, I told him what he reply, he turn to face me so I kiss him on the lips and separated from the hug and say goodbye to my family and open a portal to the Save screen then went through it and close it behind me.

The Save screen was empty from life's. WTF! Geno's house was empty and dusty like no body live there for weeks. What happen to him?! Have they moved to another house?! No Geno will tell me and that abomination about it. So, I call him but no answer that make me little freak out, I take a deep breath then think calmly, okay Error clam down nothing bad will happen to Geno, he has that sh!ty death beside him. I took my phone out and call Blue he best friend to him, so he maybe knows where Geno is, he answers immediately with his high voice like usual when I ask him about Geno he answer me with nervous in his voice that Geno live in UnderSwap for three to four weeks now in apartment, I want to ask him why! and more questions but he immediately reply with " you should ask him not me, I'm sorry " he send me the location of Geno's apartment and the number of the apartment, I thank him and end the call and put the phone back to my pocket. I open a portal to UnderSwap Surface specifically in front of a building I enter it, I went up to the second floor and knocked on the door of apartment No. 202. Nothing happen I wait little bit then I heard footsteps and voice, Geno's voice. He stops and look at me with shocked expression on his face. He said nothing and open the door of his apartment and I followed him inside and closed the door behind me, he put the bags he holds on the table in the kitchen and I was checking the apartment that sh!ty death not here, strange!

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