Chapter -2- Friends Help !

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Blue PoV:

After I left the room I went to My and Dust room and he was ready to sleep just waiting for me. I set on the bed beside him, he hugs me and kissed me in the lips then said quietly " what's the problem Blue? ", I sigh and said In a low sadness tone " I think Reaper break up with Geno .. I saw his half necklace, it was full of cracks as usual, but there was a huge crack crossing the half necklace and runs up to the half ruby which his color become pale and dead .. what this mean Dust?" I know what it means to have a crack in your half of your necklace, hack yeah, I have one crack after Red break up with me and then he went to Sci, Sci apologized to me because he did not know that Red was in a relationship with me and I forgave him, and I could not forgive Red, although I doubt he cares about me anymore.

Geno helped me meet Dust after what happened to me and he was with me until I was able to build a good relationship with Dust and now we are married three years ago. I wish it was easy with Geno. Everything for him become dull and dark in the end, I don't even know how the things torn like that. I know some of the cracks stories that his own necklace has .. Heh .. He becomes proud of it when he became so drunk, He does not stop talking about some of the relationships he has experienced. But I don't know what it means when the jewel color of the half necklace changes Because of the cracks, It's the first time I've seen it.

Dust face become shocked for a little then nervously said " It's mean he ... n..never will able to .. match his necklace with anyone ", I become shocked with terrified expressions and I said loudly " YOU ARE KIDDING ME !!!!" Dust put his hand on my mouth and said quality " shhh Blue .. No, I am sorry but this is the truth, let's sleep now and in the morning we will listen to what happened to him .. ok?" We lay down on the bed and dust pulled the blanket over me and him, then he kissed me on my head and said softly " good night Hun ", then I only heard his snores.

I could not sleep Immediately, I was thinking about how I would help him, so I decided that I will call Ink tomorrow and I also thought my brother might be able to help so I'll call him too and I have a desire to kill that bastard, how dare that bastard break up with him!!, they've been in excellent relationship. I will sleep now and tomorrow I will make it tell me everything. I close my eyes to dive into a dreamless sleep.


- In The Save Screen -

Reaper PoV:

I went back to the save screen and especially to My and Geno Home

There was no one at home, I think he go to asleep after what happened, or he left the house. In both cases, I pray to Asgor that he doesn't start hurt himself or depressed, believing that he the reason for the break up, it's is complicated to explain why I do it.

I went upstairs to our room, Yep he left, I picked everything belonged to me and then when I came down I took a look home and found a note on the table that had a my ring, my ring disappear huh?!. I think he took it with him, I take the note and started to read it I felt that my soul hurts little after I finished reading it. I made him suffer again ..Heh.. I think he hates me now and forever and how he doesn't hate me, I break up with him on the anniversary of our marriage, but this is for the better for both of us. I'm sorry Geno I know you have went through a lot of painful things, but you will find someone better than me, someone don't betray you as I did, sorry again. I kept the note in my robe and summons my scythe open a portal to Reapertale and I through it with my bags .. I hope you are happy Geno wherever you are.

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