"Okay we have 5 minutes to reorganise ourselves, so smooth out your dress and put away whatever clothing you can!" Kai says getting his clothes out of his bag.

I put all my clothes away into the big wardrobe, in no time at all. I still have a couple of minutes, I can brush my teeth because right now I feel gross!

I brush my teeth with my toothbrush and toothpaste, then use the mouth wash and then put on a bit of chapstick.

I'm ready, and Kai's still organising his hair products...

"Okay I'm ready, let's get to that meeting. Remember don't leave my side for 1 second, okay?" He says holding me weirdly close to his face. "Okay, let's go?" I say unsure if this is all going to end up a mess. Probably.

We walk to the meeting room and surprisingly we're the first ones here, Kai sits down at the head of the table and I look at him shocked.

"What are you doing? Are you allowed to sit there? Oh shit, Kai you're gonna get us in trouble!" I whisper scream at him.

He laughs loudly at me and just says "I'm the most powerful Alpha out of all the people who will be coming here, so I sit at the head of the table; stop being so nervous love it's fine!"

Without warning, he pulls me down on to his lap, and I automatically blush and cover my red face.

He just chuckles quietly in my ear, "it's okay love all the mates here will be sitting like this." He whispers to me.

So I get comfortable in his lap and rest my head against his hard, yet oddly comfortable, chest.

A few minutes later a couple comes in a big broad Alpha and his beautiful blonde mate. Well, fuck there goes any self-esteem I had before this meeting adios, ciao, bye, au revoir!

Who am I kidding? I didn't have any to start with!

"OMG is this her Kai?!" The blonde girl squeals excitedly, her hair is left to cascade down her back and her eyes are a pretty green colour. Her skin is tan and clear, and she looks to be about 12 inches taller than me, to be precise.

 Her skin is tan and clear, and she looks to be about 12 inches taller than me, to be precise

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Her mate is big and muscular, he has tattoos down his neck and arms. His hair is dirty blonde and his eyes are grass green, his face is chiselled and structured. But he's nothing compared to Kai.

 But he's nothing compared to Kai

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