Black (EDITED)

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Previously on Runaway...

Did she just ask me how many kids I want?!

"I'd want 2 maybe 3" I reply just as calmly, but I'm internally doing a happy dance and puking. A bit like going clubbing, but inside my head.

"If you had a girl kid, what would you name her?" I ask her cheekily.

"Probably Sofia or Rebecca?" She replies unsure of her answer.

"What gender kids would you want?" She asks quietly, nuzzling her head into the crook of my neck.

"Probably 2 girls and a boy, I want the boy to be oldest so he can protect them from dating when I'm not around it doesn't really matter though I'd love them regardless." I chuckle softly.

And that's the last thing she hears before she falls asleep on my arm.

Luna's P.O.V

Uggghhh I hate waking up!

But I do feel really comfortable right now, what the fuck am I lying on?

Oh shit! I forgot I went to sleep on Kai, awkward...

"Did you have a nice sleep princess?" Kai asks softly.

"I'm a queen," I say still half asleep but managing to snap my fingers in his face.

"Okay, I'll remember that for next time my queen." He chuckles.

"When are we going to be at the meeting?" I ask him grumpily, I still don't want to go. It's a meeting for Alphas, not Alphas and me!

"5 minutes..." he says carefully taking in my reaction.

I close my eyes quickly and squeeze them hard so the tears won't come out, my eyes burn slightly but I ignore it. But of course my tears betray me and one slips out and runs down my face.

I wipe it away quickly on instinct, and then open my eyes slowly making sure I'm emotionally stable.

"Are you okay?" He asks concerned. "Peachy!" I say with false excitement.

"I know you're lying but I'll ignore because this is the way you want to deal with it, right?" He asks rubbing his thumb up and down my cheek.

"Thank you..." is all I say before I close my eyes and concentrate on calming myself down again.

"Love? We're here." Kai gently shakes me awake from my brief trance.

I open my eyes and plaster on a fake smile, "let's go in then!" I say my voice strained with how much effort I'm putting in trying to sound happy.

Kai speeds out of the car and opens my door for me, he holds out his hand for me to take and I gladly take it.

We walk hand in hand to the reception with Kai pulling the luggage behind him in one hand.

"Kai King and Luna Moon," Kai says confidently to the receptionist going into Alpha mode. "Of course here is your room key, number 32." She says in a perky voice.

"Thank you!" He says then carries our luggage to the room, I open the door for him then flop on the bed whilst he dumps the luggage on the floor.

"Thank you!" He says then carries our luggage to the room, I open the door for him then flop on the bed whilst he dumps the luggage on the floor

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