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I stormed off, in more of a funk than I thought I'd be. Taehyung opened the door, running after me down the hallway.

"Tae Tae!" The girl in the bathroom cried, almost running after him. It was obvious that she was drunk, but hearing her say that made me feel sick and a little grossed out. He should be my Tae Tae! I mean.. he shouldn't be messing around with drunk girls.

"Minseo!" He called, grabbing my arm, "I'm sorr-"

"You're obviously not sorry for doing that, and you ran off after you promised you wouldn't. You have done nothing but make my life a nightmare since you walked back into it a few weeks ago," I whined, "why can't you ever just do something I want to do? Maybe then it won't end up with me getting disgusted or hurt!"

He let go, looking at me puzzled.

"Minseo, do you like me?" Taehyung asked, leaning on the stair railing.

"I don't even know if I like you as a friend as of this point, let alone anything else"

"But, I like you-"

"Well you obviously don't if you're too busy chewing off another girls face. I'm done with this stupid ordeal, I'm going home" I snapped, turning to walk down the stairs.

My walk was a bit ridiculous since I had twisted my ankle, but I managed to get down the flight of stairs without injury. Well, almost.

At the very bottom step, a drink was launched at me. It soaked my dress through and made my hair sticky and wet. I groaned angrily, trying to get through the crowd of people in the foyer.

It was going well until I very nearly slipped right into the awkwardly placed fish tank.

I bumped into a table, almost knocking off a vase that was stood awkwardly in the middle of it.

"Minseo!" Taehyung cried, running after me, "you have no way of getting home.. let me drive you at least"

I sighed. Two minutes later I was stood by the car door, with hot tears welling in my eyes. I knew parties weren't my thing.

He dropped me back home, and before he could say sorry I slammed the car door shut. For the nth time in two weeks, I was walking into my house with a frown on my face because of Taehyung.

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