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Stepping into the boys bathroom made me want to throw up, eat it, and then throw it back up again. I almost dropped my sponge and water because the smell hit me like a truck.

"Welcome to the boys bathroom" Taehyung proudly presented, dropping the bucket of soapy water onto the floor next to the disgusting urinals.

"It's absolutely mortifying in here. How can you come in here almost every day and not die because of the fumes?" I choked, trying not to breathe too much because of the odour.

"I mean, if you gotta pee, you gotta pee. It makes no difference whether it's like a 5 star hotel or the underside of a shoe in here. Now shut up and help me clean these so we can go and do the girls bathroom"

"I am not cleaning those" I insisted, motioning toward the urinals.

"If you help clean these, I'll help clean out the weird bins next to the toilet in the girls room. It can't be that bad, there's only wrappers for sanitary products going in those, right?"


"Um, yeah. Something like that" I replied, trailing off at the end.

For a "well presented" school, they certainly do not have well presented bathrooms.

The lights didn't work at all. The bulbs were missing, the light shades were mostly broken off, and there were countless amounts of dead insects stuck in the light shades. There was toilet paper practically glued to the ceiling from where kids had balled up the paper, wet them with the freezing tap water and thrown the paper bombs at the ceiling. The urinals were a state. There was a blocked toilet in one of the stalls. The condition of the bathrooms was overall disgusting.

After doing my part on the urinals, I stepped away to clean the sinks. That was a much nicer job.

"You know, I wish we weren't neck deep in shit right now," Taehyung stated, scrubbing at the toilets, "but hanging out with you is alright. Not the best, but alright"

I couldn't help but blush a tiny bit. At least he's not insulting me like he usually does. I kept quiet, but I was thinking a million things at that point.

"Right, well I'm ready to go to the girls bathroom. Meet me in there when you're ready" I said, leaving one of the grossest room I've ever been in, in entire my life. Possibly the grossest room ever was the one I was about to enter. I shivered, wondering how people can even walk past these bathrooms without passing out.

In the girls bathroom, I began by cleaning the only good mirror. Then I moved onto the stalls and made sure that the floor was clean and rid of any stains that were there before.

"Jesus!" Taehyung cried as he walked into the girls bathrooms, "why the fuck is there so much writing on the walls?"

That's the one thing I didn't see in the boys bathrooms. There wasn't death notes, unpleasant comments, criticism, graffiti or any kind of ink on the walls of the stalls or by the sinks. But In the girls bathroom, it was like walking into a book. A very horrid, nasty book that nobody wants to read, but does anyways.

"Junghi is a slag, Jeonha is fat, Yenseok has ginger pubes- what the fuck?" Taehyung questioned, "who wrote all of these?"

"Nobody really knows. And nobody is ever going to find out either. Most girls contribute to these walls at least once throughout their school career. People usually write these notes so they don't have to say it to other people's faces" I said, "now go be a good boy and clean out the sanitary bins. I'm going to do the sinks"

"But you already did the sinks in the boys bathroom-"

"Go on, it's not that hard" I said, nearly smirking. He had no idea what was about to hit him when he walked into those stalls.

The girls bathroom was just as bad as the boys, if not worse. Theres not so much the smell of urine, but there is horrible notes on the walls, stains of God knows what on the floors and the toilet seats, overflowing sanitary bins and clogged toilets. Theres also a missing sink, paper bombs on the ceiling, broken locks on the stall doors, missing stall doors, broken floor tiles, a broken hand dryer, a boarded up window, a smashed mirror, lipstick and nail varnish stains all over the sink and floors, and a very noisy fan that runs whenever somebody steps into the room. So essentially, it was the worst kind of state in a single room.

"Ew!" Taehyung cried, making me giggle a little, "What the fucking hell is this? There's blood in here! Minseo you fucking-"

"Just deal with it! Girls go through it, and you don't. It's a lot harder to go through it than clean a bit of it up" I said, shutting him up. I heard him mumble something under his breath about me, but I didn't bother questioning him in case he dumped the bin on my head.

"The girls bathrooms are so much worse than the boys" he whined, "this is the shittiest punishment ever"

"Literally and emotionally" I sighed, "but we're almost done. So just empty out the rest of the bins and we can go"

I quickly bleached the toilets before Taehyung finished with the bins, because I knew for sure that he wouldn't want to be doing it after seeing a little spot of blood in the bin. Prissy.

"There, I'm done," he exclaimed, throwing the bin back in its place, "can we please go? This bathroom is making me want to shoot myself"

"Yes, let's go. I think that's a little cleaner than before, right?"

"I don't care. I'm leaving" he whined, leaving the room, "hurry up! The cars outside"

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