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Parties weren't my thing. The only party I had been to during my high school career was to a "small gathering" which I left half way through because I felt uncomfortable. Yet, I was waiting for Taehyung in my living room for him to come and pick me up.

Finally, he pulled up in his overly expensive vehicle, honking the horn to let me know that he was there.

I hopped into the car after saying goodbye to my mother, then waited for him to start up the engine.

He didn't.

"Why isn't the car moving?" I asked.

"Go and change, you look like a tramp" he spat, sighing.

"No, I want to wear this" I argued, wondering why a pair of ripped jeans and a baggy hoodie was bad attire for a party. I didn't really know any better.

"Put this on" he said, pointing at a little pile of clothes on the back seat, "you're not going to a party looking like that"

"How did you-"

"I knew you'd come out of the house with a bad outfit on. Just shut up and get in the backseat so I can drive"

Before I could even begin to protest, he was beginning to drive off.

I sat in the back seat, taking off my hoodie and my jeans. I could see in the corner of my eye that Taehyung was adjusting the mirror so that he could presumably watch me get dressed.

"Do you have to be such a pervert?" I asked, pulling up the tight, short, black dress. He bit his lip, looking back onto the dark road that he was clearly speeding down. I slipped my feet into the high heels he had gotten me, which were surprisingly in my size.

"How did you know my size for everything?" I asked, jumping back in the front.

"That's for me to know and for you to not know. What colour underwear have you got on?" He asked, keeping his eyes on the road.


"Nice. At least you got something right" he chuckled, rolling his eyes, "and fix your hair! Why is it in a ponytail?"

He yanked the hair tie out of my hair, letting my hair fall to my shoulders in a slight wave.

"I don't know why you make yourself look so gross most of the time. You're pretty, but you always underestimate yourself" he stated, stopping at lights, "why?"

"I don't know, why do you always bully me in school?" I replied, doing my best to change the subject.

He didn't answer. The remainder of the time spent in the car was silent.

We pulled up to the venue, and he had specifically instructed me to let him walk me in with his hand rested on my waist. He said it was some sort of way of making a smooth entrance and get people talking to me.

Inside the house, the music was a little too loud, there were people already drunk off their faces, and at least three people were playing a game of catch with an expensive vase.

"Okay. Stay close to me and everything will be all fine" Taehyung murmured to me.

That lasted about two seconds, and then he walked off with friends. I was alone at the doorway.

I decided that it was best to go and get a soft drink, and then mingle with people who wanted to talk to me.

My supposed best friend, Minhee, was with three other girls in the living room. She spotted me, then hid behind her drink as if I was almost blind and couldn't see further than 5 feet in front of me.

I sighed, taking out my phone. I was ready to go home already, and some of the boys were staring at my body because of the stupid dress Taehyung made me wear.

The high heels were already aching my feet, and I was getting a small pain in my heel because of the fact that the shoes had never seen the light of day before they were on my feet; they were rubbing like hell.

Suddenly, a big crowd of irritating jocks ran through me, knocking me off my feet. I fell, twisting my ankle.

I yelped in pain, standing slowly and kicking the now-empty red cup out of the way so I could go to the bathroom.

As I had expected, the downstairs bathroom had a petit, skinny girl throwing up in. Her two friends were behind her, filming her in pain whilst she choked.

I hobbled up the staircase, counting 47 stairs in total, then limped across the hallway to the bathroom.

There was muffled noises coming from the second room on the right. I put my ear to the door, hearing both a girl and a boy, presumably doing something unspeakable in someone else's home.

I huffed, opening the bathroom door.

I stopped in my tracks, finding a girl who I had never seen before (in very revealing attire) and Taehyung, pinning her up against the wall and playing a disgusting game of tonsil tennis with her. I gasped, slamming the door again.

Suddenly I was filled with jealousy. I wasn't sure as to why, since I didn't have any feelings for Taehyung. Right?

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