Chapter 59

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Joyce was out in the horse barn sketching a portrait of Lilly. She hadn't sketched for such a long time. The last time she had been drawing, she had been sitting at the river bank, back in the real world. Joyce had drawn a ship, sailing all of her cares away.

However, this time, drawing Lilly was a happy thing. Joyce loved the way Lilly's cute face looked. Refined and feminine. Her eyes were large and kind and they had a sparkle to them. Maybe Merek had taught her how to sparkle her eyes!

Joyce laughed.

She began making strokes for Lilly's mane when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

Joyce turned around to see Merek.

"Hello!" He said.

"Hi, what brings you here?" She asked.

"You." He replied.

Joyce set her sketch on a nearby railing and said, "Oh really? And why's that?"

Merek took Joyce's hands in his and said, "Well I wanted to talk to you."

Joyce listened and Merek continued, "From the moment I saw you, I thought you were beautiful and powerful. As I've gotten to know you over these last months, my first impressions were right. However, I judged your magic ability too harshly at first, and I'll forever be guilty for that. But I have loved you for a long time Joyce. I feel as though you feel a need in my life I didn't know was there. I feel complete when I'm with you. I don't know if I could bare to be apart from you and I don't want to try. 

So Joyce, will you marry me?"

Merek got on one knee and smoothly slipped a small black box from his shirt pocket. When he opened the box, there was a beautiful diamond ring.

Joyce was shocked.

She looked at the ring, then at Merek, then back at the ring.

Then her senses came over her and she said, "Yes!'

Joyce threw her arms around Merek and made them both fall back onto the barn floor. They were laughing and kissing. Merek put the ring on her finger and Joyce admired it. 

"Thank you." She said, "When I was in the other world, I thought I'd never find love. I had been trying for so long with no luck and had gotten extremely frustrated. However, having gotten to know you, anything seemed possible with you. I love you Merek!"

"I love you too, Joyce!" Merek replied.


In the weeks that followed, wedding preparations were being made. Joyce was so excited and couldn't wait to be married to Merek.

However, one thing still bugged her.

Her red dress.

That silly thing had been on for months and for some reason, she couldn't take it off. The magic still bound it to her.

Joyce really wanted to wear a white wedding dress to get married in, but it seemed like she would have to wear her red one.

She hadn't complained to Merek about it, because she didn't want to cause trouble, but it was eating away at her. Joyce wanted to be a traditional bride in a white dress!

Joyce was in her room making wedding invitations to her friends in Wedgemore, Breecrest, and at the castle. There was a knock on her door. She got up and went to the door and found Merek there.    

She greeted him and let him in. He sat down on a chair and said, "How are your invitations going?"

"They're going well." She said.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Well, you see, I thought that after the curse was broken that I would be able to change my dress. The magic has still made it so I can't. I'd really like to wear a white dress when we get married."

Merek nodded and was silent for a moment.

Then he said, "If it wouldn't be too improper, could I try?"

Joyce's eyes widened.

"I mean, because I'm immune to magic." He said.

Joyce thought for a minute and said, "It's worth a shot."

Merek stood up and walked toward Joyce. She turned around and pulled her hair out of the way over one shoulder. Merek gently tugged on the laces on the back of Joyce's dress. She could feel them loosening.

Merek's hands moved down until all the laces were loose.

Joyce turned around to face him.

"If I had known all I needed was to ask you to get this silly thing off me, I would have done it ages ago!" 

Merek laughed and said, "Well I'm glad I could help."

Then he winked and left.

Just like that, Joyce's red dress prison had been demolished.


Joyce hadn't been able to take a bath for months because of her dress. Somehow the magic had made it so the dress had kept her fresh and nice. But oh how good it felt to be clean!

She rummaged through her closet and found a beautiful champagne colored dress. She put it on and braided her hair over her shoulder.

She smiled. How in the world was Merek immune to magic? How could it be that simple? Joyce thought.

But then she returned to writing her wedding invitations until it was night.  

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