Chapter 41

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Joyce and Merek talked for what felt like only a few minutes, but the bright misted-covered sky slowly turned darker, until it was night.

"I guess we should go back to the castle, huh?" Merek asked.

"Hmmm... I guess so. But this day has been so enjoyable!" Joyce smiled. 

Merek nodded. He stood up and offered his hand to Joyce. She took it and he helped her up. But when she stood up, he didn't let go. He kept holding her hand. Joyce looked at the ground and smiled. Merek made her so embarrassed!

Joyce was still looking at the ground when she felt Merek's fingers on her cheek. She looked up and he was smiling at her. 

Then it happened. Merek leaned in a kissed her.

This kiss was different than any other kiss had experienced. She wasn't sure what made it different. Perhaps it was the tenderness that Merek kissed her with. And Joyce loved it!

They softly pulled away from each other. Joyce looked into Merek's sparkling blue eyes. He was very handsome.

Merek led Joyce to Lilly, who was happily standing her patch of grass. He helped Joyce onto Lilly's back and then hopped up himself. He nudged Lilly into a brisk walk and they leisurely walked back to the stables. They got off Lilly and Joyce helped untack her and brushed her fur coat.

Lilly's fur was a snowy white color and very soft. It was short since it was Summer, but Lilly still seemed fluffy to Joyce. 

After Joyce finished brushing Lilly, Merek put her back in her stall and walked with Joyce back to the castle.

It had been a wonderful night and Joyce didn't want it to end! 

Everything was so peaceful when she was with Merek. He made her forget all her concerns and fears. She had many things to be worried about. Jeana, the curse, and if this dream would ever come to an end. Joyce could wake up at any moment and be back in her old life as a college student.

But Merek made her forget all of that.

That was one of his special talents.

Merek walked Joyce to her room, she thanked him for the nice time she had, and they said goodnight.

Joyce darted in her bedroom and closed the door. She went to her bed and flung herself down on it.

"Am I falling in love with King Merek?" She asked herself out loud.

But Joyce didn't have an answer to that question.  

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