Chapter 44 - Again

Start from the beginning

My body ended up at the stainless steal elevator. I pressed the up button causing it to turn florescent red. I cleared my mind for a few seconds until the door opened.

Carter was inside.

"Cameron!" He yelled. I jumped a little, it was thankfully unnoticeable. "Amara needs you, now!"

I stepped into the elevator. Just as I feared, she was gone. "I know," I huffed out.

"You know? She wouldn't tell me why?" Carter sounded jealous.

"She had cancer," I choked out. She has cancer. "Gastric cancer, or stomach cancer. I don't want to talk about it."

Carter pressed the floor number and stood in silence. It was more of an awkward silence, him and I weren't that close.

"I'm sorry," he said out of nowhere. "For setting you up at Matt's party."

I tried not to act shocked, "It's fine. Thank you for helping Amara."

"It was negative," Carter added. "And she started vomiting again, even after medication."

I shook my head. The odds of her getting better after this are slim, but the chances and risks I'm willing to take are high. "What medication did you give her?"

"Uh, Meclizine I think," he questioned himself. "She asked for it."

"Good, that's what she is supposed to have. I'm surprised it didn't work," I replied.

The doors of the elevator opened. My stomach churned in fear. I would have to face Amara.

Carter stepped out of the elevator and I followed. His expensive shoes tapped in front of me while my vans remained silent. Every small step I took the more my head and my stomach stressed. What if she was dead when I walked in? Millions of 'What if's filled my mind.

Carter's hand went to his back pocket of his jeans. A card slipped out and fell into the lock of the door in which held my fate. The light that shined red soon flashed green; my heart stopped. Carter's hand trailed on the doorknob and opened the door. It took guts to not push him and run into the room.

I walked in slowly with my eyes halfway closed.

Amara was lying on the bed sideways facing away from me. A small cough escaped her mouth, "Did you find him?"

"Amara!" I ran towards her heart broken. Her voice was so weak. She rolled over, pale and shattered. A tear slipped out my eye, it was too small to notice. I wrapped my arms around her fragile body and picked her up. "Carter call 911 now." He nodded and dialed numbers on his phone. "You'll be okay princess, you'll be okay," I whispered in her ear.

"Okay," she whispered back, her voice just cracking at the end. I bit my lip trying not to tear up more.

"They're on their way," Carter assured me. I let out a small sigh, maybe she would be okay.

"Let's get downstairs," I spoke my plan. "Carter you need to help me block the fans. Call Nash he'll help." He grabbed his phone again and called Nash while he opened the hotel room door.

Amara's light, soon lifeless body was lying in my arms. Her eyes flickered every once in a while. "You'll be okay, stay with me."

I pushed the elevator button impatiently. "He's coming," Carter yelled. "He quit Magcon to help." The doors opened. I rushed inside. Carter pressed the lobby button and we waited. "You quit too, huh?"

I nodded, "I can't do it anymore."

"I've been thinking about it," he sighed. "I quit too."

Soon, a flood of fans appeared in front of us. A loud familiar voice yelled and they all moved. Nash. "Guys, stand to the side! We have an emergency!"

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