Chapter 17: Return to NYC-Part 1

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"So you gonna tell me why you and Henry broke up, or what..?" I ask her again.

She sighs," I just felt like..we're more like brother and sister. He's always there for me to talk to.."

"I guess I understand the feeling..but, Maya?" I begin.

"Yes, Riles?" She asks, as I develop a curious look.

"Why are you-we going to New York City now..?-isn't the talent show close by..we don't want to miss auditions," I confess.

She gives me a reassuring smile," You don't have to come, if you don't want to..I know how much the talent show means to you. But we..I'm going to NYC--"

"I mean. Especially during the end of the year," Sara adds, interrupting me," Sorry..continue.."

"It's only a weekend, Sar. And..we're going there to see some family.." Maya develops a smile.

"CLAIRE AND ALYSSA..I SHOULD'VE KNOWN.." I giggle, as Maya pats my shoulder. "Wait, but why didn't they just text us?"

"It's Claire's birthday, you know how formal she is.." She tells me, I nod in agreement.

We chorus ever lasting smiles," SHOPPING TIME!"

*Maya's POV*

If Alex is coming with us there, then I better keep my feelings contained..

*Henry's POV*

I still don't understand...Brother and sister? What's that suppose to mean-I thought we already have that talking stuff down..girls are so confusing..!

"Calm down," Alex advises me," so Maya thinks of you as brother and sister, maybe she's right.."

I shoot him a look.

"I mean," he clears his throat," you guys are like matchmakers, not exactly a "couple.."

"Not everyone can be Salex, the greatest love story of all time.." 

"Well, Maya and Henry, can always be the greatest friendship of all time.."

"It's not the same.."

"I know, dude. I know. But you gotta accept the fact.."

Maya was acting weird today..she wore the same clothes as Sara, her hair like Sara..I mean, she always admired, no. Definitely not.

"What's running through your head, Hen?" He asks me, as I check my phone, so I didn't have to answer his question.

"Oh. Looks like we're leaving for NYC tonight.." I tell him, as I look up from my phone,"..we're starting in an hour.."

"Then I better get to packing. See you later, my man," Alex says, as we do our hand shake. He leaves.

*Alex's POV*

For some reason..I feel like Saraya's on a shopping spree right now-they must be. But I wonder if Will and Diamond're tagging along on this NYC trip..

Me: hey guys

Will: hey bro

Di: heyy

Me: i was wondering

Will: we're not going to nyc sorry;((

Di: as much as i wanna go to the big apple, i gotta bump up grade in spanish;((

Will: and Im helping..and I gotta coordinate plans for the talent show

Me: oh yeah right

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