Chapter 10

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*Maya's POV*

I know I have to tell Sara at one point..I can't hold it in for much longer though.

*flashback to earlier on the way to Math*

"Where's Will?" I ask Henry as he shrugs.

"I don't know..he said he wants to take the shortcut to Math. He's tired of being late," Henry smiles, as I smile getting his Salex reference.

"Wait," I advise him," isn't that Diamond and Ryan?"

"Don't they know that they're gonna be late?" Henry jokingly asks, as I put my finger on my lip, telling him to shut up, as I try to listen to their conversation.

"Ry, I don't even know what to do anymore," Di sighs, as Ryan hugs her," Will's great, but Alex is.."

"Yes, yes, he's your fetish..we've established that," Ryan sighs, as they break apart. "I'm sorry, but Di, it's either Alex or Will, can't have both..?"

"Alex, and it has always been him," she declares, as Henry and I continue walking to class.

"Guess we do learn something new everyday," Henry whispers, as I sigh.

"Sara was right..what am I gonna tell her..?" I ask him, as he thinks to himself.

"You don't Sara, everything, do you?" Henry nervously asks, as I shoot him a "think again" look.

I can never keep anything from my Riles. But I guess now, I don't have an option..

*flashback ends*

"Earth to Maya," Sara waves her hand in my face, as Henry shoots me a smile.

"Uh, sorry," I tell her, snapping out of that flashback and steal a glance at Henry, he stares back.

"So, who's ready for the dance tonight?" Will asks the group, as Alex develops a smile.

I nudge Sara's elbow, smirking at her.

*Sara's POV*

I feel like something happened with Maya today..but if something did happen, she'd tell me.

"I know I am!" Alex giggles, looking back at me, then Will.

"I think we've already established that, Youtube," I quote Maya, as I use his nickname.

"You can't go a day without the names, can you? Sari?" He teases back.

"Sis, you stole my line..copyright," Maya giggles, ruining our silent moment again.

"I thought I told you that I'd stop your guys's goofy moments," Maya giggles, as I goofily grinned at her, then Alex.

*Alex's POV*

"Looks like the bell just rang," Will announces to the group, as we get up.

"Better get going to Music World, Sars," I tease Sara, she hugs Maya, and we start walking to our next door classes. "So," I start the conversation.

"Yes, I am excited for tonight," Sara nods, as I was about to ask.

"How'd you know I was 'bout to ask..?" I ask her, as she giggles.

She breaks out into laugh," Have you checked your face out lately..all smiles. I'm surprised your face hasn't broken out into "smile hives," she teases.

"Hey! Says the one the one that starts smiling, every time I mention it," I develop a smirk, as she gives me a nervous look.

I wonder how Di and Will are going..been awhile.

*Will's POV*

"We have to stop meeting like this," I chuckle, as I walk up to the lonely Diamond White.

"We do," she chuckles,"but aren't you supposed to be in Math with Maya and Henry..?"

"I was walking over there, but you know..I stopped and found a lonely Diamond," I joke and shrug.

"My next class is STEM..all the way over on the west side," she sighs, as I develop a smile.

"It's a win-win for both of us," I explain," we both miss some of our classes.."

"As fun as that sounds," Di starts," I think I'll just walk to class. Thanks for the offer though, see you tonight." She sighs, as I start walking to Math.

Diamond seemed different..she's probably just trying to hide her excitement for the dance..

*Di's POV*

I feel bad doing that he knows something's up. Ugh, why did I even agree with going to the dance with him..ugh, stupid, naive Diamond. 

"No walk with Will?" Ryan whispers, as I take out my binder for class.

I shake my head and sigh," I feel bad for what I'm doing to Will.."

"You know that you'll have to confess eventually, right..?" She asks, reminding me.

I sigh and shrug," I don't even know anymore..might as well just go along with fate with this one.."

"Just tell Will the truth and confess to Alex, before it's too late," she advises, as I just sigh, hopelessly and start outlining our project.

"Robot designing..great," she facepalms, annoyed.

*Sara's POV*

"Nice job with your solo," Ava compliments.

"Thanks, yours too," I tell her,"so you and Dan still?"

"And finally found the guy friend, huh?" She asks, as I start drifting to my thoughts of Alex.

"Yeah," i nod, dreamily.

"Are you sure that you're not dating Alex..?" She smirks, as I shake my head.

"I mean, we are going to the dance tonight..together," I shly say, as she is still smirking. "But what happened to Di..?"

"I heard she switched classes," Ava shrugs," I don't know, I saw her going to STEM.."

It can't be because..


"Maya, I think I'm the reason Diamond moved classes," I confess, as she gives me "are you sure?" look.

"No, we're not going back there," Maya says, shaking me to "get the bad thoughts out of me."

"But sis," I try to convince, as she keeps going," Mayaaa..."

She finally stops and giving me a stern look," Stop thinking like that. Maybe she does, maybe she doesn't. But we all know that he likes you..and you like him. I mean if she does, then we can figure that out later.."

"I guess," I sigh with a shrug.

"I promise, we will figure it out," Maya assures me, as she embraces me into a hug.

I check my phone for the time. 5:30.

"Wait..the dance is soon," I spat, as Maya develops a gasped smile.

"And that means..your early dinner date with..was it 6:30, you said?" She smiles at me, attempting to go through the window.

"Mayaaa, I need you," I tell her, as she shakes her head.

"No, you don't. See you at the dance..with your boyfriend," she jokes, as she leaves through the window.

"Hey," I hear a familiar voice, as I take a last look at the window. Yup, Maya left. Well maybe, I don't even know.

I look up to see..Alex. "Hi.."

"So was I interrupting anything..? Between Riley and Maya..?" He asks awkwardly, as I chuckle awkwardly. 

"I thought you were coming 6:30..?" I answer awkwardly, changing the subject.

Ah, great move. Great move, Sara.

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