Chapter 2

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I wish..but I just met Alex--it'll take time..


We get outta our seats. With Maya and Alex on both sides of me, and Henry standing next to Maya.

"I better get going to..Art," Maya reminds me.

"Ohh yeahh, I have ELA," Henry sighs, as he hugs Maya.

"What do you have next?" Alex asks me, as I develop a smile, remembering what class I have.

"Chorus," I tell him, as he smiles.

"You sing?" He asks.

"I can ramble a tune," I giggle, shyly. "You?"

"I do sing..but I got band," Alex tells me.

"Nice..lemme guess, guitar?" I guess correctly, he nods.

"Speaking of band, I think it's right by Chorus," I start, as he was about to ask him if I can show him," And yeah sure, I'll show you.."

Maya smirks at me, as Alex and I start walking down the hall, while her and Henry approach the stairwell.

*Alex's POV*

So, first, I'm late to first period, I meet a beautiful, funny girl. Then, I discover she needs help in Spanish. And that she sings..?--what's next, she writes her own songs?

"So do you write songs..?" I ask her.

She shrugs," If writing lyrics counts. I can't really compose anything.."

"Just sing an acapella and match your voice notes to an instrument," I suggest, as she nods.

"Thanks, I'll remember that," she says, as we face each other. "Well here it"

"Thanks," I smile as she smiles back. "I'll see you around, I guess..?"

She nods," Hopefully not in the halls, when you're late again.." 

I giggle," Hopefully that won't be often.." She joins in the giggling.

"Yeah.." Her giggle fades away. "Bye, Sara."

"Bye, Alex," she smiles one last time, as she walks to the room two doors down.

So Band and Chorus are really close..hopefully, like me and Sara will be.

*Sara's POV*

Ugh, he's the exact same as he is on his youtube channel. Perfect.

"Sara, so what's up with you and the new kid..Alex?" One of the girls, Diamond, asks me.

I shrug," Nothing..I just showed him to band.."

"Uh huh, sure," she smirks.

"Anyways, Sara. Would you like to start out today's class with your solo in Why?" Ms. Mary asks me and I nod, as she turns on the karaoke.

"You like New York City in the daytime, I like New York City in the night time. You say you like sleeping with the air off, I don't. I need it on. You like the light coming through the windows, I sleep late so I just keep 'em closed, and you ignore the music on the radio. I don't, I know you know," I sing, and then the whole class sings the pre chorus and chorus along with me. I wished I'd ask him if he did.

*Maya's POV*

As much I ship Meg and Alex..there's a new ship in town called Salex.

*Henry's POV*

I know they just met..but I can see a spark..


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