"Uh, about that, Lucy's coming too."

~Your POV~
"What?!" I yelled.

He nodded sheepishly.

"Did you tell her how dangerous it would be? It's almost nighttime." I said.

Natsu nodded.

"I did, but she insisted." He sighed.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose in frustration and groaned.

"As long as she doesn't hold us back, sure." I said.

"Happy!" Natsu yelled out.

We walked outside and saw Lucy running towards us, trailing a small pink bag behind her.

She smiled at us.

"Where to first?" She asked.

~Time skip~
"Natsu, I think it's time we head back. It's really dark out, I can't see a thing without your fire." I said.

"Yeah, I guess we should. Luce, can you guide us home?" Natsu asked.



We were greeted by even more silence.

"Luce! Lucy! Where 'ya at?!" Natsu called out.

"Lucy?!" I yelled.

We looked around.

"Guys, I can't find her!" We heard Happy's distressed voice ring out.

"This is bad. This is why I didn't wanna bring her with us!" I yelled out in frustration.

"Well, yelling isn't gonna help. So start looking." Natsu commanded.

I sighed and nodded, Happy grabbing into me and flying me up high to get an overhead view on the forest we were currently in.

"Somebody help! Natsu, Y/N!" I heard Lucy's voice yell thanks to my dragon hearing.

"Lucy! I'm coming!" Happy flew me in the direction I pointed in and we saw a clearing in the forest in which Lucy being held by a man, a dagger against her throat. They were a few men next to him.

I growled.

"Let go of her!" I commanded.

The man smirked.

"Sorry lady, but she belongs to us now." I started to walk forward, but then man pressed the dagger harder against her throat, making a small drop of blood fall to the ground.

I furrowed my eyebrows, thinking of a way to signal to Natsu where Lucy and I were.

I took a quick glance around, my eyes darting from one corner of the clearing to the other.

I saw a waterfall nearby and 'yes'ed in my head.

I put my hand behind my back and made a hand gesture to make the water move and sneak up behind the man and his rookies.

I drenched them in water, making the man drop his dagger. His grip on Lucy wasn't loosening though. But now the man was defenceless.

"Natsu!" I yelled out as loud as I could.

I shot the water in the air and made a pillar of it to show Natsu where we were.

The man glared at me. He bent down and picked his dagger up from the ground, pointing it once again at Lucy's neck.

Luckily he and his men had to wipe the water out of his eyes before, so they didn't see the pillar of water I put in the sky.

Sooner or later...

"Fire dragon iron fist!" I heard as a ball of fire surrounding a fist punched the man in the head from behind, making him stumble forward and setting Lucy free, who ran to my side and got a key ready.

Natsu did a few quick attacks and rendered all the men unconscious.

"That was quick." Lucy muttered and sweatdropped.

I shrugged.

"What can I say? It's Natsu." I replied nonchalantly.

She smiled, a dreamy look in her face that set off all the alarms in my head.

"Yeah." She was practically drooling over the guy, which made me shoot her a look.

I frowned and turned around, a weird feeling settling in my gut.

I didn't know why, but I didn't like her.
Words: 1090

Natsu, Lucy & Happy: Sounds like someone's JEALOUS!

Y/N: Oh, be quiet.

Me: *squealing slightly* I ship it!


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