Chapter Thirty Six

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Next Day-
Erika POV: I groan, and bury my head in my hands. Yet another fight had erupted in the house. Michelle and Ashley were going at it; Michelle convinced that Ashley has swiped her mascara. "How am I going to look good for my date without my fucking mascara! Ashley stop trying to sabotage me." "For the last time, I didn't take it you bitch!" "Yes you did!" "No I didn't!" I get up. Honestly, I had enough of my own problems and I was sick of listening to such a stupid fight. "Michelle, it's just mascara. I'm sure you could borrow someone else's." She turns to me; outraged. "It's not just any mascara! It's Chantecaille." Her face becomes more smug. " But I doubt you'd know anything about expensive things, miss waitress." Tessa gasps and stands up. "Michelle, you're crossing a line." "No, it's okay Tessa." I look Michelle dead in the eye. "I thank god every day that I grew up they way I did. I'd much rather be poor than someone who throws a tantrum over a tube of makeup." She smirks. "Wow good for you! Honestly, I don't know why I'm arguing with you. You're no completion. You're not worth my time. You really think Jake, a guy who owns a lambo and lives in a multi million dollar mansion, would get with you? You're nothing near his level." Ouch. That kind of hurt. "Jake's not that superficial," chimes in Tessa. "Oh sure he isn't. If he picks a girl like Erika I'll change my own name." Stung by her words, I think back to how sweet and kind Jake was with me. He even said I was special. Did he say that to everyone? I wondered if he ever thought about how poor I was, or how plain my life was compared to his. It's true that money isn't everything, and we always had a good time together, but if I truly pursued this relationship, would he resent me for everything I lacked? There was a lot expected of the winner of The Bachelor. We would have to be a power couple. Could I do that? Was I really good enough for him? Was Michelle right? "Earth to Erika? Erika?" Ashley was snapping her fingers in my face. She throws a card in my hand. "Looks like you have a surprise date tonight." Michelle smirks. "Aw, one last pity date. Have fun babe!"

Erika POV: I smooth out the tight black dress I was wearing, and continue to peer out at the road. Jake was driving me somewhere for our date; apparently he had something fun planned. Unfortunately, I was not feeling it. Anthony's presence and Michelle's comments had unsettled me, and even caused me to slightly distance myself from Jake. Of course, he had no idea of this, or any idea that I had such problems in the first place. How could I ever tell him? Well, maybe I could talk about Michelle. Make him realize who she really was. I clear my throat. "So you know Michelle?" He nods. "Well we don't really...get along, I guess you could say. But honestly, she doesn't really get along with anyone." He laughs. "Alright, don't get me involved in your girl drama." "No, seriously, she's been awful to me." "Has she? How so?" I open my mouth to tell him what she said about me, but something stops me. I felt ashamed. I was afraid it was true. "I can't tell you, but she just was really rude." He shakes his head. "Erika, if you don't tell me, how can I understand your feelings?" "Can't you just believe me?" "I want to, but Michelle's only been sweet to me. You'll have to explain it." "I can't." "Then I guess I won't be able to understand." I groan, and turn to the window. I got his perspective, but I couldn't get myself to tell him. After a while we pull into an vast, empty lot. "We're here." We get out of the car, and I squint as I see a large object before us; the object covered by a tarp. Jake turned to me with a giant grin. "Erika, we're going on a little ride." Suddenly the tarp rips away to reveal a shiny, red helicopter. My heart drops. Ordinarily I would be overjoyed to see such a thing, but at the moment it just symbolized everything that I wasn't. And everything Jake was. I felt him wrap his arm around my waist. "Excited?" I forcefully nod. We climb into the helicopter, and fasten our headsets. I felt my stomach churn as we lifted off, the air around me swirling and spinning.

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