Chapter Twenty Seven

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Later That Night-
Jake POV: I lay awake in my bed; replaying the events of tonight over and over in my head. In that one moment, my heart had almost exploded. I had gotten the perfect first kiss with the perfect girl. I had made out with Ashley first, but that was meaningless compared to the purity and beauty of this kiss. As amazing as it was, a small part of me felt guilty. After all, Erika did have a boyfriend, and we were supposed to be friends. Just friends. But I couldn't help feeling the way I felt. The other girls were nice, attractive and funny, but what I felt with them was nothing compared to what I felt when I was with her. It was ironic. There were all the girls competing and fighting over me, yet I longed for the one girl who didn't want me. I wanted the unattainable.

Erika POV: We were all seated on stage; the cameras set to roll. Jake and all the girls were going to do q&a session with Chad; talking about everything that had gone down in the last few weeks. I felt nervous, I was still unnerved from yesterday night's events. And obviously, I'd never done something like this before. "Action!" yells the director, and Chad begins to speak. "Hi, hello and welcome ladies and gentlemen! First off, let me thank you all for making The Bachelor the most watched show in America! We are so excited to have the millions of you with us on this journey to find love." I gulp. It was daunting to know so many people were watching my every move. "Today we have a special segment for you. I'll be doing a q&a with Jake and all your favorite contestants! We'll get the inside scoop on all of the action. First, let's talk to the bachelor." Everyone claps as Jake goes to sit in the hot seat. "Jake, how's everything been?" "Amazing. Beyond my wildest dreams." Chad chuckles. "I don't know about wild dreams, but I sure know you've had some wild thoughts. Can we get the clip of Jake and Ashely's date?" Suddenly the big screen behind us is filled with the images of them making out. I wince, and look away. That was not something I wanted to watch. "I'll admit, the audience was surprised to see you like that after your hesitation to kiss the girls. What changed?" Jake blushes. "Honestly? I was a bit drunk and things just escalated pretty fast." Chad laughs. "Well, for all the passion of your first kiss, your second was certainly the opposite." The screen is then filled with the image of Jake and I's slow, barely-there kiss. While I couldn't help but smile at how sweet the moment looked on film, I was panicking. I had forgotten we were being filmed then, and now Anthony, Tessa, all the girls and all of America had seen us kiss. No one would believe that we were still just friends. "You melted viewers hearts with your special date for Erika. One twitter user even tweeted "rewatching the kiss for like the 100th time. Cutest thing ever." Anything to say about that moment?" I look to Jake; only to see that he was already looking at me. "It was incredible."

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