Chapter Twenty Five

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Erika POV: He sighs. "Alright lets just forget about that, okay? I have a really cool surprise for you." I look around. "What is it?" He smiles and takes my arm. Leading me out the gate; he points to a shiny lambo. "We're going for a little spin." Soon we're zipping down the freeway; windows down blasting Post Malone. I lean my head out the window, and let the cool breeze of the night hit my face. I felt so free. During the drive we don't talk, but there's a comfortable silence; shared familiarity between us. After awhile, he turns to me. "Ok, close your eyes." I do as he says. I could feel the car stop, him get out and open the door on my side. He grabs my hand and pulls me out. "Alright, you can open your eyes now." I open my eyes, and gasp. We were perched on top of a hill; overlooking the full glory of Los Angeles. With its countless twinkling lights; the city was a bright beacon of light in the dark. "It's beautiful," I say breathlessly. "I remembered you once said you loved rides in pickup trucks and stargazing at night. Well, it's not the exactly same, but I tried my best." I couldn't resist throwing my arms around him and giving him a tight hug. He was right, it wasn't exactly the same. The red pickup truck was replaced by a white lambo, and the stars with city lights. But it was just as perfect. If not more. "You are so thoughtful," I say as we go to lean against the hood of the car. "And you're my best friend, you know that? No one else would have remembered such a little thing." "Anything for you. You keep me sane, you're amazing," he says with a chuckle. He then gives me a more serious look. "Your boyfriend's the luckiest guy in the world." I blush, and look away. I look back to say something, but I get distracted by his eyes. Had I never noticed them before? They were milk chocolate colored; warm and sweet and gentle. My eyes then fell to his lips. Baby pink and soft. Without much thought I lifted my hand and rested it on his cheek. "You have really pretty eyes," I whisper. I slowly run my thumb across his lip. "Really pretty lips too." He cups his hand around my face. "So do you," he breathes. I could feel him start to lean toward me, and shockingly enough, I was leaning in as well. And then there it was. The faintest of kisses; his lips just brushing mine.

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