Chapter Fifteen

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Erika POV: "Oh." Disappointment clouds his face. I sigh. "You have to understand that's it's not an ordinary love. He's the guy I want to be with forever; the guy I want to marry. We kind of broke up because of the show, but I'm sure we'll find our way back. I don't think I could have feelings for any other guy but him." He looks away. I sigh. "You've got to understand what I mean. You've been in love before, right?" "No." He clears his throat. "I've never been in love. I don't even know if love truly exists. I've seen other people experience it, but never myself. And Erika, if you feel that strongly about someone else, I can't possibly keep you here. It wouldn't be fair to all the other girls, your boyfriend and the show itself." I groan. "But I can't leave. As bad as it sounds, I really, really need the money. Why else would I do this show when I'm already in love? So how about this: you keep me on the show, and I'll be your confidante. I'm sure you want to know which girls are only here for the fame, and which girls truly care about you. I'll be like an inside source to you; a friend." I wait as he considers what I said. "I mean it's not ideal, but you would be helpful. I worry that I'll never find a real relationship from this, and if you were like an insider I could eliminate any superficial contestants. Not only that, but I would feel guilty sending you home if I knew it meant you would end up on the streets. So..I guess that's a deal." I smile. "Thank you, Jake. You have no idea how much this means to me. Honestly, for what I can tell you're a great guy; and whoever wins is a lucky, lucky girl." I hold out my hand. "Friends?" "Friends," he replies as he clasps his hand to mine; returning my handshake. Huh, that was interesting. Our hands fit perfectly together.

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