Chapter Thirty Two

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Two Days Later-
Jake POV: I could hardly believe life at the moment. Somehow, Erika had developed feelings for me. I didn't know how or when; but all I knew was that I was overjoyed. The moment she had told me had been unreal. One minute she had been staring at me with those sparkling, emerald eyes; the next her lips were one with mine. Her hair floating in the breeze, her vanilla scent wafting in the air, her hand gripped in mine. Absolutely unreal. A part of me wanted to call off the show completely and chose her as my girlfriend. But that would be stupid. I knew she wasn't ready for that, and frankly; I wasn't either. For now, I would enjoy our dates and talks and silences. Every moment we had together was remarkable in some way. I smiled to myself. All along I had been dreaming of different dates I could take her on, and now I could finally actualize those dreams. We had our first date today, and wanting to make a lasting impression; I had it all planned out. The perfect date.

Erika POV: All the girls were gathered in the kitchen, enjoying the special English breakfast the chef had prepared for us. "So, who has a date today?" I look up from my toast and eggs to see that it was Michelle who had posed the question. "I do," I say. "Of course you do," she says with a roll of her eyes. God, what had I ever done to that girl. "I do too," adds Ashley. "Oh wonderful." Michelle purses her lips together. "Good luck sleeping your way to his heart, Ashley." I gasp. Ashley scoffs. "Well at least I have a chance. Can't say the same about you." I could tell this was going to get too nasty too quick. "Alright, let's all calm down," intervenes Jenna. "Yeah let's just have a good time," says Tessa. Michelle crosses her arms across her chest. "How am I supposed to have a good time with all of you bitches?" I look over, and see that the cameramen were catching the drama from all angles. I sigh, knowing this was exactly what the producers wanted. All these girls getting into petty fights over a guy. As much as liked Jake, this certainly seemed regressive to me. But I guess that's what we all had signed up for. And I guess that's what America wanted to watch.

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