Chapter Fourteen

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Erika POV: I toss and turn in my bed. For some reason, I could not fall asleep. The pressure and intensity of the last few days was getting to me. Exhausted; I got up and checked the clock. Shit. It was five in the morning; which meant I hadn't slept all night. Giving up, I decide to go on a morning run; at least that would energize me. I change into workout clothes, slip on my sneakers and head out of the mansion. As I ran, the world seemed to be at peace. There were no cameras, no lights and not a soul in sight. After a few laps around the garden, I settled down on a bench to watch the sunrise. Soon enough, the soft amber glow of the sun poured through the sky; enveloping me in its warmth. I sigh. There were few things as comforting as a perfect sunrise. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Startled; I turn around to face a widely grinning Jake. "What the hell?! You scared me!" He laughs. "I came out to watch the sunrise, guess I wasn't the only with that idea. Mind if I take a seat?" I shrug. "Go ahead." He sits next to me, and we both watch in silence as the sun painted the sky in vibrant shades of red and orange. After awhile, he turns to me. "I have a question; something that's been bugging me all night. You seem to have zero interest in the show. If you feel that way, then why did you apply?" I could either lie or tell him the truth. But  for some reason I knew couldn't lie to him. "Jake, you won't like truth. But you deserve to know." I take a deep breath. "I'm poor. Like really, really poor. My mom lost her job; and we were desperate; I have nine young siblings and no money to support them. You're right that I had no interest in this. It was my mom who got the idea of getting me on this show so we could make some money. I know $10,000 doesn't mean much to you, but that kind of money could literally save me." I pause to see if he had anything to say, but he stayed silent. "I know it's sounds like I'm using you, but my family was almost homeless. I had to do what I had to do." He sighs. "Well I guess I get why you applied for the show. But now that you're here, do you not want to give this relationship a chance?" I hesitate. I guess I had to tell him the full truth. "I can't have feelings for you because...because I'm already in love with someone."

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