Chapter Thirteen

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Jake POV: I sat in a corner of the room; chatting with a brunette about Drake's new album. The cocktail party was in full swing; and I was finally getting to actually see all the girls. The eliminated contestants had already left; so the task at hand was to give the girl who had most impressed me the first impression rose. Clearly, I had to give it to Erika. I literally couldn't get her off my mind. But I wondered what she would think. She left our meeting embarrassed and uncomfortable; there was no way she thought she would win the rose. I excuse myself from the conversation and go to find her. The cameraman ran after me as I searched for her through the large room. But I couldn't find her anywhere. Maybe she was outside? I throw open the door to the balcony, and spot a girl standing at the end; turned away from me. I slowly walk toward her. Just as I'm inches away, the girl turns around. I was floored. She was, by far, the most beautiful girl I had seen so far. Her hair was dark and flowed over her shoulders, her bee stung lips were parted in an angelic smile and her eyes shone like the stars in the sky. I could feel my heart start to beat exponentially faster. Every fiber of me hoped this girl was Erika. And some part of me knew it had to be her. "Erika? Is that you?" She laughs. "I can't believe you remembered me." So it was Erika. Damn, she was even more beautiful than I had imagined. "Erika, don't be silly. Of course I remember you. In fact, I remembered you the most." I reach into my pocket and pull out the first impression rose. "This is for you," I say as I hand her the rose. She chuckles. "This has to be a joke. Are you trolling me?" I shake my head. "I'm being completely honest. You made the most lasting impression on me." She laughs. "Well, I wasn't expecting this at all. But thanks anyway. But you really don't want to give this to someone who... oh I don't know, didn't flame you three times?" "Nah, I think that was the beauty of it." She laughs again. "I don't really know you, but I can already see you're a real weirdo, Jake." I smile. "You're a pretty weird girl yourself." She shrugs. "Can't argue with the truth."

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