Chapter Eighteen

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Jake POV: "Looks like Jake and Erika made us some wonderful blueberry tarts! A great example of successful teamwork," announces Chad. We were all seated around the dining table; hungrily digging into our brunch. I make eye contact with Erika, who gives me a slight smirk. After our mess, Erika had single handily whipped together the tarts in ten minutes flat. All I had did was lick the batter off the spoon. "Ish so good!" exclaims a girl with a mouthful of blueberry. Everyone laughs in response. Chad clears his throat. "I think we all can agree that we're thankful for these tarts. But what else? In the holiday spirit, why don't we all go around and share one thing in our lives that we're thankful for. Who wants to start? " "I'll start," says Molly. "I'm thankful for my dog." Chad smiles. "Anyone else?" I'm thankful for dance," says Tessa. "Pizza," adds Jenna. "Definitely my mom," says Cecelia. I start to zone out as we go around the table, but perk up when I see that it's Erika's turn. "Umm..I'm thankful for rides in red pick up trucks, and star gazing at night," she says. I feel my heart sink. Somehow, I knew that had to do with her boyfriend. "And how about you, Jake" I think for a minute while the whole table stares at me. "Me? Well, I'm thankful for getting to see all these beautiful smiles everyday. I'm the luckiest guy in the world." There's a collective "Awww" from the girls. Chad chuckles. "How smooth." All of the girls seemed to be quite pleased with what I'd said. Except Erika of course. She just rolled her eyes. And of course, the only girl's smile I had truly been talking about was hers. Her smile was intoxicating. It was unlike any other. Subtle yet overpowering; a true reflection of Erika herself. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Man, was I crushing hard.

Erika POV: I sit on my bed, waiting for Tessa to return from her date with Jake. She had been picked for the second date, and they had gone to see the new Star Wars movie. Soon enough, she burst through the door with a giant grin on her face. "Erika, oh my god! It was amazing!" "Really?" "Oh, yes! Jake's such a gentleman and he's funny too. Not to mention his eyes. I could stare at those eyes for a long time." I smile. Tessa was a sweet girl, and seeing that Jake was a good guy, I truly hoped she would win. They would be a good couple. "That's great! How was the movie?" She giggles. "I couldn't tell you, I didn't pay much attention." I gasp. "So you guys made out the whole time?!" Her smile slightly falters. "No, not really. He said he didn't want to kiss yet. Which is weird, but whatever." I raise my eyebrows in surprise. Jake didn't want to kiss yet? Wow, he was really the opposite of what I imagined him to be. "I guess he likes to take things slow. The reason why I didn't pay attention is because I was so nervous. The date was still really fun though." I place my hand on hers. "Tessa, I'm really glad it went well. And I would honestly be happy if you ended up with him." Tessa reaches over to give me a hug. "I'm really glad you're my roommate, Erika. And more than that, I'm really glad you're my friend." We talk a little longer; I tell her about my family's situation and she tells me about her parents divorce. It felt good to have someone to talk to. After awhile we finish talking, and turn in for the night. But as I'm drifting off to sleep, I hear a soft tap at the window. I decide to ignore it; it was probably just a tree branch or something. Then there's another tap. And another. Alarmed, I turn to Tessa, but she was already deeply sleeping. I knew I couldn't sleep if I didn't find out where the noise was coming from, so I take a deep breath and walk to the window.

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