Chapter 17

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"We'll get back to this conversation later. I need to get ready for tomorrow night." Jeongguk said determined, trying to wrap up the day's work so he could get back to Minah and find out what she discovered in his dorm that was worth talking about it so urgently.

"Get into position and 5, 6, 7, 8." Hoseok said as he pressed play on the remote control of the stereo, moving to the side to surveil the younger's steps.

By postponing their conversation about Yoongi, it gave the choreographer some time to think about how he would approach the subject and tell his dongsaeng about how he actually considered working with the devil mainly because he wants that leverage of knowing every move he would make.

Knowing how close they could be to actually keeping an eye on him for the most part of the day was too tempting to give it up. Hoseok was expecting Jeongguk to throw a tantrum when he'll break the news to him but it was their best option at the moment.

Accepting Yoongi's deal was the only solution to save Minah from any disturbing plans the man might have for the poor girl even though it wasn't the greatest decision for Hoseok himself. Being near his ex for such a long period of time almost every day was more than enough but he had to suck it up and do it for Minah's and Jeongguk's sake.


As soon as her break was over, Minah got back to doing her own job, looking through the idol's wardrobe for the outfits she was going to put together for Jeongguk to try on later when he was scheduled to visit her.

She tried not to think about her discovery in the younger's living room but she couldn't get the images out of her head. The questions that were flowing through her mind were keeping her from focusing on her tasks.

Why would he have cameras installed inside her dorm? Was he watching her constantly? Or better yet, was he watching the livestreams at all? And then she remembered. That night she had to pleasure herself. The memory felt like a bucket of iced water was thrown right at her face. How could she face her boyfriend after what she's done?

She felt ashamed and guilty even though she shouldn't have felt anything like it. Masturbation was a common thing, regardless of the gender. It was a natural and healthy act. She repeated that to herself over and over to stop the embarrassment from eating her alive.

"Minah-shi, is there something wrong?" She was brought out of her thoughts by her boss standing right in front of her with a clipboard in her hands as she was checking something on the paper.

"Uhm, no. I'm good." Minah answered with a shake of her head as soon as she realized that she must have zoned out for some time since she didn't even notice the woman coming in the fitting room.

"Then why aren't Jeongguk's outfits ironed and displayed on that pole right over there?" She asked accusatorily, pointing at the horizontal bar hung on the wall next to the mirrors.

"I'm sorry, I'll do it right away, Hyuna-shi." Minah lowered her head embarrassed as she rushed to pick out the clothes from the walk-in closet.

"Let's not make a habit of daydreaming at work, Minah-shi. This is a place of business and your job is an important one. There can be no mistakes. Am I understood?" Hyuna spoke with a grave voice, clearly disturbed by the younger's lack of mental presence during work hours.

"Yes, Ma'am. It won't happen again." The redhead bowed politely as an apology and went about her business to do her tasks for the day.


The three outfits the young idol was going to wear for his fifteen-minute performance were hung neatly on the wall as the stylist checked them out for any improvements she could add.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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