Chapter 10

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The practice was rougher that day since Jeongguk couldn't get his head in the game to focus on his choreographies and instead spend the whole time wondering whether Minah would accept his confession or not.

Hoseok has scolded him every ten minutes to wake him up from his daydreaming but it was useless since he would just start to slip off in his own little world as soon as the older was done ranting about the importance of acing everything in the performance since the MAMAs was a highly viewed awards show where they all had high expectations from the idols to deliver everything perfectly, without a single mistake or else it would be discussed in the news forever and the reputation could be tainted. Jeongguk couldn't afford that. He was a respectable idol, among the best there were in Korea.

"Jeongguk-shi! Focus! You only have a few days until the live performance and you barely know half of the choreo. What's gotten into you?" Hoseok snapped his fingers, stopping the music while Taehyung plopped down on the floor, wiping away the sweat from the sides of his face; the blonde locks of his bangs matted to his forehead as he vented his black shirt to try and cool himself down.

"I'm fine. I just need a short break." Jeongguk waved a hand dismissively as he dragged his feet towards the couch they had placed in the corner of the room, next to the mirrored wall.

His white t-shirt was soaked, sticking to his chest as his gray sweatpants stuck to his legs uncomfortably. He wished he could just go back to his room and take a shower to get rid of the stickiness but they only got down four hours of practice. There were still another two to go and he would be done for the day. That is if he could get his mind in the game and get it right. Otherwise, Hoseok will keep him another few extra hours until he made sure he knew the steps correctly.

"Alright. Five minutes should be enough." Hoseok announced as he went to get a bottle of water from the fridge across the room.

Jeongguk nodded, not really paying attention to his words as he was too busy scrolling through his phone when he felt the presence of another body next to him and by the judge of his scent, the maknae knew it was Taehyung who was probably bored and in need of attention. Sometimes the older was like a real-life puppy, constantly searching for attention and a play buddy but Jeongguk couldn't complain. He enjoyed Taehyung's company.

"So, Jeonggukie..." The blond started, a little smirk plastered on his lips that gave him away as soon as Jeongguk turned to look at him. "What's on your mind? Or better yet, who?" He wiggled his brows playfully. "Could it be our precious stylist, Minah?" His voice was teasing and he knew Jeongguk would snap at him any moment but he found it amusing to push his buttons nonetheless.

"She is my stylist, Taehyung-shi. And why do you care?" The younger turned to look at him suspiciously, watching as the older tied the laces of his sneakers more securely before he pulled his black sweatpants up his legs to reveal his shins and let the cool air hit his skin.

"You insult me, Gukkie. Am I not your bestest friend in the world?" Taehyung pouted with a frown on his face, making Jeongguk roll his eyes internally at his display of cuteness because the older knew that was the only way to get to the other's heart. He had a weak spot for Taehyung and he knew he shouldn't allow the blond to play him on his fingers but he couldn't bring himself to deny his hyung anything.

"You are." Jeongguk sighed, looking back at his phone as he turned it around in his hands, contemplating whether he should tell Taehyung what was really on his mind or just keep it to himself. He knew the older was trustworthy but he didn't want to admit his feelings for the pretty redhead just yet and by saying the words out loud, he knew there would be no turning back.

"So tell me what's wrong!" Taehyung slapped his arm, offended that his best friend was hesitating so much to tell him his problems when he could help Jeongguk and spare him from dealing with it on his own.

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