Chapter 2

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"Shall we?" Jeongguk said as he approached Minah after his conversation with his choreographer. The girl looked up at him, showing an innocent smile as she nodded and started walking towards the elevator again. "Hands off her or else." He growled at the other men at the table before he followed after the girl, leaving the poor guys lowering their heads in compliance.

The ride to the first floor where the wardrobe department was situated wasn't so problematic. Her heartbeats were normal and her breathing was constant which made her wonder what was the problem earlier.

Jeongguk decided he should give the girl a break before she gets suspicious about the situation. He actually kinda liked her a bit but what does he know? They just met a few hours ago. He kept thinking about Hoseok's words and his proposal. But, what if he really does start to have feelings for the girl? He can't commit to a relationship given his lifestyle and the fact that he is an actual demon.

The ding of the elevator announcing their arrival to the selected floor pulled him out of his thoughts and he smiled at Minah as he motioned for her to go ahead of him. If it weren't for the big signs hung on the walls, she would have no idea where to go.

In no time they stepped through the double doors that separated the hallway from the walk-in closet. As soon as Minah stepped into the room, her eyes widened and her mouth was hung opened at the sight of the amounts of clothes, shoes, and accessories that were hanging on the walls or tucked onto the shelves. It was a rainbow of colors that showed just how much Jeon Jeongguk meant to the company.

"Wow." That was all she managed to say.

"You've never worked with an idol before, have you?" Jeongguk chuckled as he motioned for her to follow him. "Stay close if you don't want to get lost." He joked.

They made their way through the mountains of clothes as Minah picked up a couple of t-shirts and blazers along with a couple of pairs of pants for him to try them out in a fitting room.

"I don't need to go into a fitting room. I can try them on right here." He said as he pulled off his current white t-shirt before taking a new one from Minah's hands, feeling proud when she blushed madly and averted her eyes. 

"W-what are y-you doing?" She stuttered in her attempt to scold him. 

"I'm trying on what you picked out for me," Jeongguk said innocently as he put on the white long t-shirt that had 3  long white stripes connected to the hem on his sides and in the middle of the back. He was proud of his body and he was used to people seeing him shirtless after doing the idol job for so long. He was shy in the beginning but that was a long time ago. Minah handed him the white blazer as well after she got over her blush and eyed the boy up and down to see what could match it.

"Wait here," Minah said and disappeared from his side. After a few minutes, she came back with a pair of black jeans, ripped on the kneecaps and Jeongguk started unbuckling his belt. "Seriously? How can you just undress like that?" She put her hand over her eyes as the other one was handing out the pair of jeans.

"After some time, you get used to it. It's okay if you look at me. It's your job." He chuckled. 

"Wait, what do you mean it's my job? Am I supposed to see you naked?" She furrowed her brows while still covering her eyes.

"Kinda. You have to keep track of my weight and to do that you have to keep an eye on my body from time to time. Not that I would gain weight on purpose but, you know, food is delicious." He smiled as he finished buttoning his pants. "You can open your eyes now." 

Minah slowly lowered her hand and opened her eyes to take a look at his outfit. It fitted perfectly and the combination of black and white made him look more mature than his mind actually was. Looking to her right, Minah saw a pair of black high converse and she immediately dived in to grab them and put them down next to Jeongguk's feet. "Put them on, please." 

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