Chapter 4

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The night went by fast for Minah once she managed to fall asleep. She was still thinking about the weird things that were happening around her but she won't let herself be weak and afraid of something that she can't even prove. What if she just imagined all of that? She couldn't pass on an opportunity like this just because she might be delusional.

As soon as Minah opened her eyes, a big smile spread on her face because she was going to accompany Jeongguk to the music broadcasts where she would see other artists and she could barely contain her excitement. 

A strange urge came over her to call all of her high school friends and tell them to fuck off when they mocked her dream because look where it led her now. While they are wasting their time in class, dozing off while listening to boring professors, she was meeting and talking with actual celebrities. Life was great for her.

It was 5 in the morning when she got out of bed and went to take a shower but not before texting Jeongguk to be ready by 5:30. They had a lot to do and the time was short. His first performance was scheduled to be recorded at 7:00 and the car ride wasn't particularly short as it took almost 30 minutes on a good day when the traffic would be decent.

She brushed her teeth quickly and hoped into the shower, making quick work of washing herself before applying some makeup to look presentable and styling her hair into a bun with a bandana tied in a bow on top of her head. The outfit was waiting for her to be put on and, being the efficient girl she was, still got time for a cup of coffee before the time came. Minah was always known to be organized and punctual and she considered that her big forte.


While Minah was busy being on time, Jeongguk was still in his sweatpants, playing on his console even though he had done it all night long. A loud knock on the door startled him and he quickly turned off the tv and tried to look as sleepy as he could while heading to see who it was. Jeongguk looked through the peephole to find a very sleepy Taehyung with his eyes closed while holding a cardboard with two cups of coffee, waiting for the door to be opened.

The maknae tried not to laugh at how disheveled the older looked with his blonde hair sticking in all directions and his dress shirt buttoned in the wrong way. He cleared his throat and opened the door with a yawn before being pushed aside by Taehyung to enter and plop onto the couch after he placed the cups on the coffee table.

"Good morning to you too, Hyung." Jeongguk chuckled as he closed the door behind him.

"Why aren't you dressed yet? We are supposed to be leaving in 10 minutes." The older grabbed his cup and took a few sips to try and wake up.

"I was going to before you came." He grinned, heading towards the bathroom to do his routine.

In the meantime, Taehyung looked around the room to find Jeongguk's phone, flashing with a new notification. He sipped his coffee, thinking if he should read it or not. It could be important. But he shouldn't look through his phone without permission.

"Gukk-ah! You have a message. You want me to read it for you?" Taehyung shouted through the apartment, hoping the other would say yes.

"Yes. Wait, who's it from?" Jeongguk shouted back, his voice a little muffled by the shower.


"Then no." The maknae said in a stern voice. "I'll be out in a sec."

Taehyung had to admit that he was a little disappointed that his best friend wouldn't trust him enough to let him read his messages but there was nothing he could do, so he sighed and waited for the maknae to come out.

Jeongguk turned the shower off and grabbed a towel to dry himself with and wrapped another around his waist as he entered the living room again, heading towards his closet to grab his outfit for the day but not before taking his phone with him to read the text.

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