Chapter 8

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The supposed to be date turned into the Hell of Jeongguk trying to ignore Hani's annoying voice and actions, and basically her entire existence in favor of concentrating on his pretty stylist, Minah, as she walked around the mall, checking out the stores and making a mental list of the stores that had the best discounts that would suit her wallet and maybe coming back another time to do some shopping for herself. 

In the four hours, they spend going around in circles and visiting every store that was open, Jeongguk couldn't stop thinking about Yoongi's surprising appearance since the guy didn't strike him as a shopaholic but he couldn't bring himself to ask the man either, so he stayed quiet, counting the minutes until Minah and, the devil itself, Hani, decided to go home. Clearly, Yoongi was much more powerful than him, so Jeongguk didn't want to take any chances with the man until he learned what exactly the Hell he was and preferably learn his weaknesses as well to defend himself if the time ever came again.

They were close to passing the entrance for the third time. That was when Jeongguk sped up his pace to get to Minah's side before they took the left turn again, and try to convince her to ditch the other pair because it was supposed to be their date, dammit! She was in the middle of a conversation with a smiley Hani when his hand gently brushed hers, fingers locking on instinct and giving a gentle squeeze to get her attention. He succeeded when she excused herself to Hani, Jeongguk tugging her further away from the evil bitch.

"Yes, Jeongguk-shi? Something wrong?" Minah said, a sweet smile on her face as she glanced towards Jeongguk to see him nibbling on his lip, nervously.

"I guess... We came here to help me shop, remember?" His voice came out soft and pouty like he intended, to be more convincing and avoid looking like an asshole.

"I'm sorry, Jeongguk-shi. You're right. I just lost track of the time and Hani is just so fun to hang around." She started and Jeongguk frowned, offended that she found the blonde more fun than him. It was incredulous to think of such an aberration. "I'll just say goodbye to her really quick and then we can continue our shopping, okay?" She smiled, turning to leave his side and finally get rid of the annoying girl. 

He was surprised when by his side Yoongi made an appearance, smirking silently. "You won't get to her before me," Yoongi said low enough only for Jeongguk to hear, making the younger frown as they walked in sync, a few feet away from the entrance where they had to part their ways.

"We'll see." Was all that the younger could say without fearing that his mouth filter would break and he'll insult or even worst, threaten the powerful demon who wouldn't hesitate to end his life on the spot if the situation got too heated.

After hearing Minah bidding her goodbye and giving an unnecessary hug to the she-devil, he approached the redhead at a slow pace, waiting for her to eventually look back at him before he could initiate any skinship he had in mind. The girl waited until the couple was out through the door before she turned to look at Jeongguk with a small smile on her face, which the blond found slightly annoying that she cared so much about Hani but at least now they could continue their date without any other interruptions.

"Okay, where do you want to go now?" Minah asked, giving him her undivided attention.

"I was thinking of trying on some suits since the award shows season is near." He started, looking around the mall and trying to remember where the specific store was exactly. "And we'll also need a nice dress for you." He gave her his famous bunny smile, making her heart melt.

Minah always wondered how does one have both the body of an adult and a face as sweet as a baby's. But she knew that was part of his charm, making all the girls fall for him in an instant, herself included even though she wouldn't admit that out loud.

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