Interview with @astrologically

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1. What's your name?

My name is Atalanta. Of course it's not my real name, but I wish it was.

2. Why did you start writing and when?

I started writing at first when I was eleven for fun, but as I got older I began writing real stories here on Wattpad. I also love reading books, so my love for reading ignited my will to write my own stories. And so far it's been really fun!

3. Which books are you currently writing?

I'm currently writing Matched, a werewolf story, I am thinking of starting another one, but with school already starting, it will be difficult. I am hoping to update as soon as I get rid of writers block and find actual time to do so. 

4. Are you famous, unnoticed, old, or new?

This account is new together with my second one, but before these I had made one solely for reading. And that was a long time ago. So I'm kinda old. As an author I'm not popular, but Matched seems to be. So I'm kinda in between.

5. Who's your favorite author (up to five if you'd like)?

I have lots of favorite authors, many who are far better writers than I am. So just check out who I follow. Other than my friends I follow my favorite authors as well. Sorry, I'm such a lazy cat. My real life favorite authors though are Tahereh Mafi, Ransom Riggs, Kiera Cass, and Veronica Rossi. All, except for Kiera, whom I have met in real life!

6. What's your favorite story?

I have a lot. I would love to give you 100+ but it would just bore you. So you could just look through my reading lists. Haha. I am a book hoarder, just so you know.

7. Why did you want to be interviewed?

Because you asked me to (?)

8. How old are you?

____teen. I'm a teenager. That's all I can say.

9. Favorite color?

I have more than one so..Mint green, pastel pink, light blue, and navy blue.

10. Favorite song?

Again, I would give you a million of my favorites but it would just bore you. I'm how you say, a musical person.

11. Favorite book outside of Wattpad?

I'm breaking the rules again, I'm giving books. Hee hee. HP, the Shatter Me series, the Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children series, Under The Never Sky trilogy, PLL, and the Selection trilogy.

12. Do you love in America or somewhere else?

I live in the Philippines but we are planning to move to the U.S. very soon. I'm excited!

13. Ha, ha, single? Taken? Mentally dating 500 celebrities?

The third. And I'm not just mentally dating celebrities, but fictional characters, and cartoons as well. Yes, I live a sad life.

14. Favorite movie?

All the Walt Disney movies, The Breakfast Club and Clueless.

15. Favorite show?

HIMYM, CSI, Super Fun Night, Game of Thrones, Awkward, Teen Wolf, The Big Bany Theory, and Supernatural.

16. Genres? Topics?

I'm a hopeless romantic, but I also like giving other genres a shot.

17. Anything else?

Nope. Nada.

18. What inspired you to write?

I was inspired by my family and friends. God is also my inspiration. So yeah. :)

19. Any advice?

Don't be one of those authors who post one chapter and don't continue. Believe me, because I was one of them. Respect yourself as a human being and don't push yourself too hard to write more than one story.

20. Do you wish to be published?

I don't really know. I have been thinking about writing professionally when I'm older, but I'm content with writing here.

Thank you so much for interviewing me! I had fun answering your questions! For my readers, who are seeing this right now, I am sorry for the long wait. Please know I am trying hard, and I'm only human. I'll update when I can.

xoxo Atalanta

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