Interview with @bookaddicted5

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Dedicated to @bookaddicted5 for being interviewed!

1. What's your name?


2. Why did you start writing and when?

I started writing when I was eight, I mean it started with me doodling little characters in my diary and forming little stories, but then once I was ten I started forming stories on words.

3. Which books are you currently writing?

Love between two opposites and Wrong Number

4. Are you famous, unnoticed, old, or new?

I'm new and unnoticed. But I'm enjoying my wattpad experience. :)

5. Who's your favorite author (up to five if you'd like)?

1-John Greene

2-Sidney Sheldon

3-Ariana Godoy (cold_lady19)



6. What's your favorite story?

My Wattpad Love and Kidnap my heart

7. Why did you want to be interviewed?

I found your questions interesting, and then there was this little voice in my head saying- "Meh, couldn't hurt, right? I mean, here you are sitting, with nothing really interesting to do, so let's give this thing a shot."

8. How old are you?


9. Favorite color?

All shades of purple, I guess.

10. Favorite song?

Keeps changing.. though right now, I'm obsessed with John Legend's "All of me".

11. Favorite book outside of Wattpad?

The Fault in Our Stars, no doubt.

12. Do you like in America or somewhere else?

Uh, that's supposed to be "live" right? anyway, no I dont live in America, I'm from Olympus, Hi! Just kidding, anyway, I'm not an american, though I would love to come to America. :p


13. Ha, ha, single? Taken? Mentally dating 500 celebrities?

Mentally dating, celebrities, fit's me so right! *sigh* Jeremy Kapone, Alex Pettyfer, Logan Lerman, Francsico Lachowski and the list never seems to end..

14. Favorite movie?

A Walk to Remember, the Hunger games, The devil wears Prada and a lot more, I'm crazy about movies. :)

15. Favorite show?

Castle, 2 broke girls, Modern Family.

16. Genres? Topics?

Rom-com, no doubt, my all time favourite.

17. Anything else?

I'm secretly Willy Wonka's favourite person, Charlie is just pssh, nobody!

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