Interview with @RappyTheDinosaur

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1) What's your name?

My real name is Gracie Lutz, but my Watty friends know me as Rappy

2) Why did you start writing and when?

You know, I honestly don't remember. I've always loved reading, and somewhere along the line writing joined in. I remember I wrote a story about a girl being raised by wolves when I was six years old.

(A/N: Oh my gosh! I did too!)

3) which books are you currently writing?

My current project is A Girl's Guide to Hardcore Gaming, but I only have about six chapters left in that! Next would be the sequel, and another novel titled Radiant.

4) Are you famous, unnoticed, old, or new?

I'm far from famous, though I feel it would be rude of me to say I'm unnoticed when I have the wonderful and dedicated readers that I do. I just want to help my writing become MORE noticed so that I can meet even more great reader and writer friends. :)

5) Who's your favorite author?

On Wattpad or in "real life"? If we are going with Wattpad authors it would be @ELatimer and @AnnieGil, and my published favorites would be Gail Carson Levine, James Patterson, and Veronica Roth

(A/N: To see @ELatimer's interview, go on the page behind!)

6) what is your favorite story?

Out of every story ever? That's pretty much impossible... Um... I guess I've always loved the story of Persephone and Hades. I've got a serious obsession with mythology of all different cultures.

7) Why did you want to be interviewed?

Shameless advertising, lol. I liked. The questions, and I saw that one of my favorite authors (Erin Latimer) did an interview, so I thought "why not?" I'll never pass up an opportunity to get my name out there! :)

8) How old are you?


9) Favorite color?

Black and white checkered pattern. I know that a pattern is not a color. Just go with it.

10) Favorite song?

Oh my god don't do this to me! I can't choose a favorite song, I can't even choose a favorite album!! I love music too much. My favorite band (of many) is Evanescence, if that works. >~<

11) Favorite book outside of Wattpad?

It will probably always be the Hunger Games. If not for the story itself, then for the amazingly wonderful friends I met because of it. (I would never have become active here on Wattpad if not for the Author Games, a series of HG themed writing competitions)

12) Do you live in America or somewhere else?

America. Though I'd love to move to Europe.

13) Ha, ha, single? Taken? Mentally dating just about 500 celebrities?

More like 600? Lol. Joking aside, yes, I am VERY taken. My boyfriend and I have been together for over a year and a half now and I do not see it ending any time soon. <3

14) Favorite movie?

Howl's Moving Castle!!!

15) Favorite show?

I'm a SuperWhoLock ;)

16) Genres? Topics?

I prefer reading and writing Romance, Fantasy, Drama, Teen Fiction, and Mythology. I have yet to write anything with mythology, but that'll be changing sometime soon. ;P

17) Anything else?

Hmm... nothing I can think of really... Celebration of the fact that once I finish A Girl's Guide to Hardcore Gaming that will be my first time ever completing a novel. That's pretty exciting.

18) What inspired you to write?

Honestly, I've been doing it for so long that I can't remember. The inspiration for my current novel came from my love of RPG video games and fantasizing about meeting my favorite characters.

19) Any advice?

Read read read read READ! You cannot expect to write well if you do not read. I'm serious. If you want to write a fantasy book, you best be spending all of your free time DEVOURING fantasy novels. Pick out what you liked and didn't like, what did this book have that made you continue reading it? That kind of stuff :)

20) Do you wish to be published?

More than anything in the universe. But if I never end up becoming published I won't mind so long as I never have to stop writing.

21) If you could change anything in this world, what would it be?

As cheesy as this sounds, I just want everyone to find their own personal happiness. :P cheesy, like I said.

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