Interview with @already0ver

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Dedicated to @already0ver for being interviewed.

1) What's your name?


2. Why did you start writing and when?

I've been writing since I was young.. but if you're asking for a more exact time frame; sometime in middle school my literature teacher saw something in me and pushed me to express myself. It kinda happened when she read my journal full of stories (despite me asking her not to) and fell in love with them. She of ignited my passion to write as a pastime haha.

3. Which books are you currently writing?

Hmm.. I have some private ones lying around in my journal at home, in the meantime the one I have published here. I'll publish more depending on how people like it..

4. Are you famous, unnoticed, old, or new?

I guess I would say new and not yet noticed

5. Who's your favorite author?

It's not the author, it's the book.

6. What's your favorite story?

I have yet to find one ;) I'm loving the creativity people have here though!

7. Why did you want to be interviewed?

Why not? :)

8. How old are you?


9. Favorite color?


10. Favorite song?

Goo goo dolls- Iris

11. Favorite book outside of Wattpad?

I don't really have a favourite. The best book i've read in a while would have to be Jobs

12. Do you live in America or somewhere else?

Born in the USA ;)

13. Single? Taken? Mentally dating 500 celebrities?

Taken for a while now

14. Favorite movie?

17 Again

15. Favorite show?


16. Genres? Topics?


17. Anything else?

Umm..Fun fact.  I have an avocado obsession. I can more than one in a day - no problem. And don't even get me started about bananas. 4 or more, the more the merrier haha

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