Interview with @Sandehthe__

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1. What's your name?

Watermelon... No, Sandeh.

2. Why did you start writing and when?

I started writing cause I felt like it would help me with life. Kind of pour out me feelings and what I'm going through, in the form of writing. I started writing, seriously, since middle school.

3. Which books are you currently writing?

I reject you, Alpha and a new book with Jo. Also Operation Awkward in my joint account. And other, many collab books with other authors in WattPad, including Jo and MIA Holly.

(A/N: Jo = Me!)

4. Are you famous, unnoticed, new, or old?

Err...I guess unnoticed? I dont know.

5. Who's your favorite author?

I don't really have a be honest, I kinda never care about the author's name... I just read the book. Also, I never stick to one yeah. But I guess if I have to say, I would say the author of the book "My Dark Knight" in WattPad. That has to be one of my favorite books here, and it never disappointed me as it progressed, like many other books have so yeah.

(A/N: @SheriffSquinty, and I love that book too!)

6. What's your favorite story?

TWILIGHT!!!!! Hah Fuck No. Um I guess My Dark Knight, as said in the previous question. Well, adding to what I said, I would also say I like that book...mostly because of Gabriel ;) xD

(A/N: Don't ask her in class what her favorite book is...)

7. Why did you want to be interviewed?

Cause you asked me, and I've never been interviewed...well I usually I'm the one who interviews so yeah. IDEK.

8. How old are you?

I am a number :3 @ Jo - YOU KNOW HOW OLD I AM.

(A/N: Yup, I do.)

9. Favorite color?

I like all colors. :3

10. Favorite song?

Counting Stars by OneRepublic

11. Favorite book outside of Wattpad?

TWILIGHT!!!! hehehe. :D Even though I haven't read it, nor watched. Okay. NO. JUST NO. I would Diary of a wimpy kid, I used to love this book when I was in middle school xD

12. Do you live in America or somewhere?


13. Ha, ha, single? Taken? Mentally dating just about 500 celebrities?

Of course TAKEN BITCHES. By yours truly....Nash. MY TEDDY BEAR.

14. Favorite movie?

I dont have one..

15. Favorite show?

Isshh... I guess the Big Bang Theory, Glee, The Walking Dead, and SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS. OMG ALSO SCOOBY DOO.

16. Genres? Topics?

Well I like a little bit of every genre..but mostly I guess.. Romance? I dunno.

17. Anything else?

If you are getting married, please invite me, I haven't been to a wedding in SEVEN YEARS... I think...yeah.

18. What inspired you to write?

My life?

19. Any advice?

Just write, whatever comes to your mind. :3

20. Do you want to be published?

I dunno, if my books are good...maybe. But I've never honestly thought about that...

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