Interview with @Ruffle

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What's your name?


Why did you start writing and when?

I started writing like most teenage girls when I was about 14, then I stopped, and didn't write again until I was about 25. I started writing because I was bored with having nothing to read. I lived in Hong Kong at the time and the library was dire.

Which books are you currently writing?

The main one at the moment is Heaven &Hell, though I do have another account on here - Millieang - the story there is The Disreputable Duke.

Are you famous, unnoticed, old or new?

Well with over 16000 fans just on this account and nearly 8 million reads on both accounts, I'll leave you to judge that one for yourselves.

Who is your favourite author?

MM Kaye, Anya Seton off Wattpad and Jax MacNamara on wattpad.

What's your favourite story?

The Summer I Was Dangerous by Jax MacNamara.

Why did you want to be interviewed?

You very kindly asked.

(A/N: Yeah, sorry! I forgot to take out that question.)

How old are you?

Very very old, far too old for you to ask.

Favourite colour?


Favourite Song?

Bo Rhap.

Favourite book outside wattpad?

A choice of two, The Far Pavilions by M M Kaye or Katherine by Anya Seton.

Do you live in America or somewhere else?

I live in the UK

Ha, ha single, taken, dating 500 celebrities?


Favourite Movie?

That's tricky, er.... Well I love James Bond so any of them would do

Favourite show?

White Collar. But then it could be Grimm, Vikings, Game of Thrones.

Genres/ topics?

Romance, erotica, historical.

Anything else?

Always judge your friends by the size of their bookshelves and not the size of their TV.

Any tips or advice for writers out there?

Read, read, read and read.

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