Interview with @thatsaceperson

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1. What's your name?

Sace Fortune-Hill, that's the pen name I've chosen.

2. Why did you start writing and when?

I started getting serious about writing in eighth grade when I started to find there were so many books that had great plot potential, but were ruined by things I didn't like or understand, namely romance and lack of diversity in characters.

3. Which books are you currently writing?

I'm focusing on Mortals, but I try to write some for Force, Staying Alive and Losing Sight when I get a chance.

4. Are you famous, unnoticed, old, or new?

New-ish and slowly getting noticed. I joined this past December, and it appears that a decent amount of people have been reading my stories, but not many give me feedback. So I think I'm kind of in between in both.

5. Who's your favorite author (up to five if you'd like)?

Oh, this is always a difficult one. I don't really remember author names, so, sorry.

6. What's your favorite story?

On Wattpad? Oh, there are so many. Two good ones that I can think of at the moment are "Forewarned" and "Destiny of the Damned".

7. Why did you want to be interviewed?

I've done a few interviews on Wattpad before, and I thought they were fun, and it can be a good way to put yourself out there.

8. How old are you?

I am sixteen and half, and a high school sophomore (year 10).

9. Favorite color?

It has always been a tie between green and purple.

10. Favorite song?

Let It Go! Just kidding. Haha, it depends on which language we're talking about. In English my favorite song is currently "Here We Are" by Eyeshine. In case anyone is interested the favorites in other languages are "No Importa Que Llueva" by Efecto Pasillo, "Copilot" by Helene Fischer, and "Again" by Yui.

11. Favorite book outside of Wattpad?

I will always love the Percy Jackson series and the Hunger Games trilogy.

12. Do you live in America or somewhere else?

I live in Pennsylvania, so yeah, I'm in America.

13. Ha, ha, single? Taken? Mentally dating 500 celebrities?

Haha, oh it's complicated. Very, very complicated. Long story short, I'm single and likely will be for a while.

14. Favorite movie?

... Frozen

15. Favorite show?

Switched At Birth. It shows a lot about the Deaf Community. One day I hope to become a sign language interpreter, so it really interests me.

16. Genres? Topics?

Anything fantasy, mostly a super powers/special abilities sort of deal

17. Anything else?

Not that I can think of, no.

18. What inspired you to write?

The lack of stories that perfectly suited what I wanted pushed me to write in general. A dream gave me the idea for my story Mortals.

19. Any advice?

Always write for yourself before the reader, plan/outline most if not all of the book before writing, and don't be afraid to write complete crap sometimes: you can always fix it.

20. Do you wish to be published?

I would love to be published. I'll likely wait until college or afterwards, though. Also, I think I'd rather try transitional publishing rather than self-publishing.

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